There is a natural tendency in every animate being to resent restrictions . If you block the growth of a plant, it will try to pierce through the blockade. If you enclose a worm or fish in a glass jar, you will find it restlessly moving hiter and thither to find a way out. SImilarly , if you confine a bird or an animal in a cage or a room, you will find it gets constantly trying to break through the cage or the room in a fit of escape. Only when it gets tired or identifies itself with the environment of the prison, it will sit silent. Thus, the urge to be free is inborn in all animate beings . It gets suppressed only on its identification with the situation. The urge to be free is also reason present in inanimate objects but it is latent and ultimately gets fulfilled . It is for this reason that matter constantly chages its shape. The charge is in a way a fulfillment of that urge.
The natural tendency among the living beings is to
submit to the circumstances
strive for freedom
place restrictions in the way of others
create blockades
The correct Answer is:B
Step by step video, text & image solution for There is a natural tendency in every animate being to resent restrictions . If you block the growth of a plant, it will try to pierce through the blockade. If you enclose a worm or fish in a glass jar, you will find it restlessly moving hiter and thither to find a way out. SImilarly , if you confine a bird or an animal in a cage or a room, you will find it gets constantly trying to break through the cage or the room in a fit of escape. Only when it gets tired or identifies itself with the environment of the prison, it will sit silent. Thus, the urge to be free is inborn in all animate beings . It gets suppressed only on its identification with the situation. The urge to be free is also reason present in inanimate objects but it is latent and ultimately gets fulfilled . It is for this reason that matter constantly chages its shape. The charge is in a way a fulfillment of that urge. The natural tendency among the living beings is to by English experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 12 exams.
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