All who have gone before you sumitted to the stroke of death. All who come after you shall undergo the same fate. The great and the goodm, the prince and the peasant , the renowned and the obscure travel alike the road which leads to the grave. At the moment when you expire, thousands throughout the world shall with you, be yielding up their breath. Can that be held to be a great calamity which is common to you with everything that lives on the Earth, which is an event as much according to the course of the nature, as it is that leaves shall fall in autumn or that fruit should drop from the tree when it is fully ripe.
The author compares death with the fall of the ripe fruit a tree that death
occurs in nature also
is a kind of fall from a great height
gives freedom from the ordeals of life
occurs with the achievement of fullness
The correct Answer is:D
Step by step video, text & image solution for All who have gone before you sumitted to the stroke of death. All who come after you shall undergo the same fate. The great and the goodm, the prince and the peasant , the renowned and the obscure travel alike the road which leads to the grave. At the moment when you expire, thousands throughout the world shall with you, be yielding up their breath. Can that be held to be a great calamity which is common to you with everything that lives on the Earth, which is an event as much according to the course of the nature, as it is that leaves shall fall in autumn or that fruit should drop from the tree when it is fully ripe. The author compares death with the fall of the ripe fruit a tree that death by English experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 12 exams.
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