Enlist any 'two' floral adaptations in salvia.

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Floral adaptation in Salvia are as follow :
(a) Pollination in Salvia is entomophilous.
(b) The flower in Salvia is bisexual and protandrous.
( c ) There are two stamens in the flower having long bifurcated connective.
(d) The upper branch of the connective bears a fertile anther lobe while the lower branch of the connective bears a sterile anther lobe.
(e) When the insect enters the Salvia flower, it pushes the lower sterile lobe owing to which the upper fertile lobe bends and strikes the back of insect and dust its pollen grains.
(f) When the same insect visits another flower, the pollen grain are picked up by the receptive stigma and the pollination is affected. (Any 2)
