Draw the circuit diagram for studying the characteristics of a transistor in common emitter configuration. Explain briefly and show how input and output characteristics are drawn.

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For Collector-Emitter mode, it is a graph of collector current (Ic) versus collector voltage (VCE), for the fixed value of the base courrent. For output charateristics,IB is kept constant VCE is increased in small steps and IC is recorded at every step.
From output characteristics, it is observed that
(i) When IB=0,IC is nearly zero, hence the trasistor is an cut off region.
(ii) For VCE<0.3V,IC increases with VCE and can be controlled by VCE,
(iii) When VCE>VBE>0.7V,CE jnuction gets reverse baised and IC gets saturated, hence the transistor is in active reagion.
When VCE<0.2V, both the junctions get forward biased and IC can no longer be controlled by VCE, hence the transistor is the saturation region.
The dynamic output resistance of transistor is
r0=(ΔVCEΔIC)IB is constant
In C-E mode, output resistance varies from few KΩ to KΩ.


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