Class 12 | PHYSICS |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 6
The most abundant isotope of helium has a .42H nucleus whose mass is 6.6447×10−27kg . For this nucleus, find (a) the mass defect and (b) the binding energy.Question 11
The energy released by the α-deacy to .23890U is found to be 4.3MeV. Since this energy is carried away as kinetic energy of the recoiling .23490Th nucleus and the α-particles, it follows that KETh+KEα=4.3MeV. However, KETh and KEα are not equal. Which particle carries away more kinetic energy, the .23490Th nucleus or the α-particles ?View SolutionQuestion 13
Consider the beta decayQuestion 24
A bottle of red wine is thought to have been sealed about 5years ago. The wine containa a number of different kinds of atoms, incluing carbon, oxygen,and hydrogen. Each of these has a radioactive isotope. The radiaoctive isotope of carbon is the familiar .146C with a half-life of 5730years. The radioactive isotope of oxygen is. .158O and has a half-life of 122.2s. The radioactive isotope of hydrogen .31H and is called tritium, its half-life is 12.33years. The activity of each of these isotopes is known at the time the bottle was sealed. However, only one of the isotopes is useful for determining the age of the wine accurately. Which is it?View SolutionQuestion 26
Suppose, the daughter nucleus in a nuclear decay is itself radioactive. Let λpandλd be the decay constants of the parent and the daughter nuclei. Also, let NpandNd be the number of parent and daughter nuclei at time t. Find the condition for which the number of daughter nuclei becomes constant.View SolutionQuestion 29
Nuclei of a radioactive element A are being produced at a constant rate α. The element has a decay constant λ. At time t=0, there are N0 nuclei of the element.Question 34
Two other possible ways by which .235U can undergo fission when bombarded with a neutron are (1) by the release of .140Xe and .94Sr as fission fragments and (2) by the release of .132Sn and .101Mo as fission fragments. In each case, neutrons are also released. Find the number of neutrons released in each of these events. View SolutionQuestion 37
A deuterium reaction that occurs in an experimental fusion reactor is in two stage:Question 39
A nuclear reactor using .235U generates 250MW of electric power. The efficiency of the reactor (i.e., efficiency of conversion of thermal energy into electrical energy) is 25%. What is the amount of .235U used in the reactor per year? The thermal energy released per fission of .235U is 200MeV. View SolutionQuestion 46
A small quantity of solution containing Na24 radio nuclide of activity 1 microcurie is injected into the blood of a person. A sample of the blood of volume 1cm3 taken after 5 h shows an activity of 296 disintegration per minute. What will be the total value of the blood in the person? Assum that the radioactive solution mixes uniformly in the blood of the person. (Take, 1 curie =3.7×1010 disintegration per second and e−λt=0.7927, where lamda= disintegration constant)View SolutionQuestion 47
At a given instant there are 25% undecayed radioactive nuclei in a sample. After 10s the number of undecayed nuclei reduces to 12.5%. CalculateQuestion 49
The element curium .24896Cm has a mean life of 1013s. Its primary decay modes are spontaneous fission and α-decay, the former with a probability of 8% and the later with a probability of 92%, each fission releases 200MeV of energy. The masses involved in decay are as followsQuestion 51
A nucleus at rest undergoes a decay emitting an a particle of de - Broglie wavelength λ=5.76×10−15m if the mass of the daughter nucleus is 223.610 amu and that of alpha particle is 4.002aμ , determine the total kinetic energy in the final state Hence , obtain the mass of the parent nucleus in amu (1 amu = 931.470 MeV/e2) View SolutionQuestion 56
(a) Find the energy needed to remove a neutron from the nucleus of the calcium isotope .4220Ca . (b) Find the energy needed to remove a prtron from the nucleus. (c ) Why are these energies different?