Class 12 | PHYSICS |
CENGAGE PHYSICS (ENGLISH) | Exercises Assertion -reasoning |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 7
A charged particle enters a region which offers a resistance against its motion and a uniform mangetic field exists in the region. The particle traces a spiral path as shown in Fig. 1.29. State the following statements as True or False.Question 8
An electron moves in a uniform magnetic field and follows a spiral path as shown in Fig. 1.30. State the following statements as True or False.Question 9
A charged particle moves in a gravity free space where an electric field of strength E and a magnetic field of induction B exist. State the following statements as True of False.Question 10
A particle with charge −5.60nC is moving in a uniform magnetic field →B=−(1.25T)ˆk. The magnetic force on the particle is measured to be →F=−(3.36×10−7N)ˆi+(7.42×10−7N)ˆj.Question 11
A particle with charge 7.00μC is moving with velocity →v=−(4×103ms−1)ˆj. The magnetic force on the particle is measured to be →F=+(8.4×10−2N)ˆi−(5.60×10−2N)ˆk.Question 12
A particle with charge 6.40×10−19C travels in a circular orbit with radius 4.68 mm due to the force exerted on it by a magnetic field of magnitude 1.65 T and perpendicular to the orbit.Question 13
Figure 1.31 shows the trace of the path of a charged particle in a bubble chamber. Assume that the magnetic field is into the plane of the paper with magnitude 0.4 T. The smooth spiral path occurs because the particle loses energy in ionizing molecules along the path.Question 14
A charged particle of mass m and charge q is accelerated through a potential difference of V volts. It enters a region of uniform magnetic field which is directed perpendicular to the direction of motion of the particle. Find the radius of circular path moved by the particle in magnetic field.View SolutionQuestion 15
A beam of equally charged particles after being accelerated through a voltage V enters into a magnetic field B as shown in Fig. 1.31. It is found that all the particles hit the plate between C and D. Find the ratio between the masses of the heaviest and lightest particles of the beam.Question 16
A proton and an alpha particle are projected in a magnetic field which exists in the width of region d. Compare the angles of deviation suffered by the proton and the alpha particle if before entering the magnetic field both the particles.Question 17
A beam of singly ionized atoms of carbon (each charge +e) all have the same speed enters a mass spectrometer, as shown in Fig. The ions strike the photographic plate in two different locations 5 cm apart. The .12C6 isotope traces a path of smaller radius, 15.0cm. What is the atomic mass number of other isotope ?Question 19
The force on a charged particle moving in a magnetic field can be computed as the vector sum of the force due to each separate component of the magnetic field. As an example, a particle with charge q is moving with speed v in the -y direction. It is moving in a uniform magnetic field →B=Bxˆi+Byˆj+Bzˆk.Question 20
A particle of charge q>0 is moving at speed v in the +z direction through a region of uniform magnetic field. The magnetic force on the particle →F=F0(3ˆi+4ˆj), where F0 is a positive constant.Question 21
Protons having a kinetic energy of 50 eV are moving in the positive x-direction and enter a magnetic field B=0.5mˆkT directed out of the plane of the page and extending from x=0→x=1m as shown in Fig. 1.34.Question 22
Electrons in a beam are accelerated from rest through a potential difference ΔV. The beam enters an experimental chamber through a small hole. As shown in Fig. 1.35, the electron velocity vector lie within a narrow cone of half angle ϕ oriented along the beam axis. We wish to use a uniform magnetic field directed parallel to the axis to focus the beam, so that all of the electrons can pass through a small exit port on the opposite side of the chamber after they travel the length d of the chamber. What is the required magnitude of the magnitude field?Question 24
Shows two long metal rails placed horizontally and parallel to each other at a separation i. A uniform magnetic field b exists in the vertically downward direction. A wire of mass m can slide on the rails. The rails are connected to a constant current source which drives a current I in the circuirt. The friction coefficient between the rails and the wire is μ. (a) What should be the minimum value of μ which can prevent the wire from sliding on the rails? (b) Describe the motion of the wire if the value of μ is half the value found in the previous part.Question 29
The horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field at a certain place is 3×10−5T and the direction of the field is from the geographic south to the geographic north. A very long straight conductor is carrying a steady current of 1 A. What is the force per unit length on it when it is placed on a horizontal table and the direction of the current isQuestion 30
Each of the lettered points at the corners of the cube as shown in Fig. 1.60 represents a positive charge q moving with a velocity of magnitude v in the direction indicated. The region in the figure is in a uniform magnetic field →B, parallel to the x-axis and directed toward right. Copy the figure, find the magnitude and direction of the force on each charge and show the force in your diagram.Question 31
The cube as shown in Fig. 1.61, 75.0 cm on a side, is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 0.860 T parallel to the x-axis. The wire abcdef carries a current of 6.58 A in the direction indicated.Question 33
In Fig. the bar AC has a mass of 50 g. It slides frictionlessly on the metal strips 40 cm apart at the edges of the incline. A current I flows through these strips and the bar, as shown. There is a magnetic field |Bx|=0.02T directed in the -y direction. How much must I be if the rod is to remain motionless? Neglect the slight overhang of the rod.Question 34
In Fig. a three-side frame is pivoted at AC and hangs vertically. Its sides are each of the same length and have a linear density of 0.10kgm−1. A current of 10.0 A is sent through the frame, which is in a uniform magnetic field of 10 mT directed upward. Through what angle will the frame be deflected?Question 35
A rod of mass 0.720 kg and radius 6 cm rests on two parallel rails that are d=12cm apart and length of rails is L=49cm. The rod carried a current of I=48A Fig. and rolls along the rails without slipping. A uniform magnetic field of magnetude 0.240 T is directed perpendicular to the rod and the rails. If it starts from rest, what is the speed of the rod as it leaves the rails?Question 36
A circular coil with area A and N turns is free to rotate about a diameter that coincides with the x-axis. Current I is circulating in the coil. There is a uniform magnetic field →B in the the positive y direction. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the torque →τ and the value of the potential energy U, when the coil is oriented as shown in parts (a) through (d) of Fig. 1.79.Question 43
The square loop in Fig. has sides of length 20 cm. It has 5 turns and carries a current of 2 A. The normal to the loop is at 37∘ to a uniform field →B=0.5ˆjT.Question 47
The circular current loop of radius b shown in Fig. is mounted rigidly on the axle, midway between the two supporting cords. In the absence of an external magnetic field, the tensions in the cords are equal and are T0.Question 48
A wire is formed into a circle having a diameter of 10.0 cm and placed in a uniform magnetic field of 3.00 mT. The wire carries a current of 5.00 A. FindQuestion 50
An α−particle is describing a circle of radius 0.45 m in a field of magnetic induction of 1.2 T. Find its speed, frequency of rotation and kinetic energy. What potential difference will be required to accelerate the particle so as to give this much of the energy to it? The mass of α−particle is 6.8×10−27kg and its charge is twice the charge of proton, i.e.,3.2×10−19C.View SolutionQuestion 51
In a trapeze-shaped structure, two rigid wires of negligble mass support a conducting bar of mass m and length L as shown in Fig. A source of emf is applied to the wires so that a current I flows through the bar. A uniform magnetic field →B is perpendicular to the plane of the wires and bar.Question 53
A wheel with 4 spokes is placed with its plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field B of magnitude 0.5 T. The field is directed into the plane of the paper and is present over the entire region of the wheel as shown in Fig. When the switch S is closed, there is initial current of 6 A between the axis and the rim and the wheel begins to rotate. Resistances of the spokes are 1, 2, 4 and 8 Ω, respectively. Resistance of rim is negligible.Question 54
A positively charged particle having charge q is accelerated by a potential difference V. This particle moving along the x-axis enters a region where an electric field E exists. The direction of the electric field is along positive y-axis. The electric field exists in the region bounded by the lines x=0 and x=a. Beyond the line x=a (i.e. in the regionx≥a there exists a magnetic field of strength B, directed along the positive y-axis. FindQuestion 55
A charged particle +q of mass m is placed at a distanced from another charged particle -2q of mass 2m in a uniform magnetic field B as shown in Fig. 1.28. If the particles are projected towards each other with same speed v,Question 56
A conducting wire of length l is placed on a rough horizontal surface, where a uniform horizontal magnetic field B perpendicular to the length of the wire exists. Least values of the forces required to move the rod when a current I is established in the rod are observed to be F1 and F2(<F1) for the two possible directions of the current through the rod, respectively. Find the weight of the rod and the coefficient of friction between the rod and the surface.View SolutionQuestion 57
A small circular coil with a mass of m consists of N turns of fine wire and carries a current of I. The coil is located in a uniform magnetic field of B with the coil axis orginally parallel to the field direction.Question 58
Two metal strips, each of length, each of length l, are clamped parallel to each other on a horizontal floor with a separation b between them. A wire of mass m line on them perpendicularly as shown in figure. A vertically upward magnetic field of strenght B exists in the space. The matal strips are smooth but the cofficient of freiction between the wire and the floor is μ. A current i is established when the switch S is closed at the instant t=0. Discuss the motion of the wire after the switch is closed. How far away from the strips will the wire reach?Question 61
A U tube of uniform square cross-sectional side a has mercury in it. Current I is passed between sealed electrodes x and y. A magnetic field B is applied across horizontal section perpendicular to the plane of diagram. The difference in mercury levels is [Given: ρ = density of mercury]Question 67
A particle of mass 2×10−5kg moves horizontally between two horizontal plates of a charged parallel plate capacitor between which there is an electric field of 200NC−1 acting upward. A magnetic induction of 2.0 T is applied at right angles to the electric field in a direction normal to both →Band→v. If g is 9.8ms−2 and the charge on the particle is 10−6C, then find the velocity of charge particle so that it continues to move horizontallyView SolutionQuestion 69
Two particles Y and Z emitted by a radioactive source at P made tracks in a chamber as illustrated in the Fig. 1.134. A magnetic field acts downward into the paper. Careful measurements showed that both tracks were circular, the radius of Y track being half that of the Z track. Which one of the following statements is certainly true?Question 76
Two metal strips of length l each are placed parallel to each other in contact with an electric circuit as shown in Fig. 1.135. The entire structure is placed on a smooth horizontal floor in a region in which magnetic field is existing in vertical direction. The distance travelled by the wire as a function of time is best given byQuestion 77
A particle of charge q and mass m is projected with a velocity v0 towards circular region having uniform magnetic field B perpendicular and into the plane of paper, from point Pas shown in figure. R is the radius and O is the centre of the circular region. If the line OP makes an angle θ with the direction of v0 then the value of v0 so that particle passes through O isQuestion 79
An electron is accelerated from rest through a potential difference V. This electron experiences a force F in a uniform magnetic field. On increasing the potential difference to V', the force experienced by the electron in the same magnetic field becomes 2F. Then, the ratio (V'/V) is equal toView SolutionQuestion 83
Let current i=2A be flowing in each part of a wire frame as shown in Fig. 1.138. The frame is a combination of two equilateral triangles ACD and CDE of side 1 m. It is placed in uniform magnetic field B=4T acting perpendicular to the plane of frame. The magnitude of magnetic force acting on the frame isQuestion 86
Two identical particles having the same mass m and charges +q abnd −q separeted by a distance d enter in a unifrom magentic field B directed perpendicular to paper inwards with speeds v1 and v2 as shown in figure. The particles will not collide if (Ignore electrosatatic force)Question 87
The plane of a rectangular loop of wire with sides 0.05 m and 0.08 m is parallel to a uniform magnetic field of induction 1.5×10−2T. A current of 10.0 ampere flows through the loop. If the side of length 0.08 m is normal and the side of length 0.05 m is parallel to the lines of induction, then the torque acting on the loop isView SolutionQuestion 89
A conducting rod of length and mass m is moving down a smooth inclined plane of inclination θ with constant velocity V. A current I is flowing in the conductor in a direction perpenducular to paper inwards.A veticallly upwards magnetic fleld B exists in space.Then find magnitude of magnetic field bQuestion 95
Three paticles, an electron (e), a proton (p) and a helium atom (He) are moving in circular paths with constant speeds in the x-y plane in a region where a uniform magnetic field B exists along z-axis. The times taken by e, p and He inside the field to complete one revolution are te,tpandtHe respectively. Then,View SolutionQuestion 97
Figure. shows a conducting loop ABCDA placed in a uniform magnetic field (strength B) perpendicular to its plane. The part ABC is the (three-fourth) portion of the square of side length l. The part ADC is a circular arc of radius R. The points A and C are connected to a battery which supplies a current I to the circuit. The magnetic force on the loop due to the field B isQuestion 98
A small block of mass m, having charge q, is placed on a frictionless inclined plane making an angle θ with the horizontal. There exists a uniform magnetic field B parallel to the inclined plane but perpendicular to the length of spring. If m is slightly pulled on the incline in downward direction, the time period of oscillation will be (assume that the block does not leave contact with the plane)Question 99
A uniform conducting rectangular loop of sides l, b and mass m carrying current i is hanging horizontally with the help of two vertical strings. There exists a uniform horizontal magnetic field B which is parallel to the longer side of loop. The value of tension which is least isQuestion 103
Consider a hypothetic spherical body. The body is cut into two parts about the diameter. One of hemispherical portion has mass distribution m while the other portion has indentical charge distribution q. The body is rotated about the axis with constant speed ω. Then, the ratio of magnetic moment to angular momentum isQuestion 109
There exist uniform magnetic and electric fields of manitudes 1T and 1Vm−1 respectively, along positive y-axis. A charged particle of mass 1kg and charge 1C is having velocity 1ms−1 along x-axis and is at origin at t=0. Then, the coordinates of the particle at time πs will beView SolutionQuestion 110
A uniform magnetic field exist in a region which forms an equilateral triangle of side a. The magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of the triangle . A charged q enters into this magnetic field perpendicular to a side with speed v. The charge enters from midpoint and leaves the field from midpoint of other side. Magnetic induction in the triangles is View SolutionQuestion 111
A particle of positive charge q and mass m enters with velocity Vˆj at the origin in a magnetic field B(−ˆk) which is present in the whole space. The charge makes a perfectely inelastic collision with an identical particle (having same charge) ar rest but free to move at its maximum positive y-coordinate. After collision, the combined charge will move on trajectory where r=mVqB.View SolutionQuestion 112
In the plane mirror, the coordinates of image of a charged particle (initially at origin as shown in fig. after two and a half time periods are (initial velocity of charge particle v0 in the x-y plane and the plane mirror is perpendicular to the x-axis. A uniform magnetic field Bˆi exists in the space. P0 is pitch of helix, R0 is raduis of helix.)Question 113
A uniform magnetic field of 1.5T exists in a cylinderical region of radius 10.0 cm, its direction being parallel to the axis along east to west. A current carrying wire in north-south direction passes through this region. The wire intersects the axis and experience a force of 1.2N downwards. If the wire is turned from north south to northest-southwest direction. then magnitude and direction of force is View SolutionQuestion 118
A semicircular wire of radius R, carrying current I, is placed in a magnetic field as shown in Fig. On left side of X'X, magnetic field strength B0. On right side of X'X, magnetic field strength 2B0Both fields are directed inside the page. The magnetic force experienced by the wire would beQuestion 119
A wire of cross-sectional area A forms three sides of a square and is free to rotate about axis OO'. If the structure is deflected by an angle θ from the vertical when current i is passed through it in a magnetic field B acting vertically upward and density of the wire is ρ, then the value of θ is given byQuestion 125
A straight peice of conducting wire with mass M and length L is placed on a frictionless incline tilited at an angle θ from the horizontal (as shown in fig) There is a uniform. Vertical magnetic field at all points (produced by an arrangement of magnets not shown in fig. To keep the wire from sliding down the incline, a voltage source isQuestion 145
A wooden cubical block ABCDEFG of mass m and side a is wrapped by a square wire loop of perimeter 4a, carying current I. The whole system is placed at frictionless horizontal surface in a uniform magnetic field →B=B0ˆj as shown in fig. In this situation, normal force between horizontal surface and block passes through a point at a distance x from centre. Choose correct statement (s).Question 147
Let →Eand→B denote the electric and magnetic field in a certain region of space. A proton moving with a velocity along a straight line enters the region and is found to pass through it undeflected. Indicate which of the following statement are consistent with the observation.View SolutionQuestion 153
A particle of charge q and mass m enters normally (at point P) in a region of magnetic field with speed v. It comes out noramally from Q after time T as shown in Fig. The magnetic field B is present only in the region of radius R and is uniform. Initial and final velocities are along radial direction and they are perpendicular to each other. For this to happen, which of the following expression (s) is are correct?Question 154
A wire of mass m and length l is placed on a smooth incline making an angle θ with the horizontal, whose fornt view is shown in Fig. When a finite amount of charge is passed through it in an infinitesimal time, the wire immediately acquires some velocity and then ascends the incline by a distance s. For this small duration, we can neglect the gravitational force because the current can be considered very large due to small time duration. The amount of charge passed through the wire isQuestion 156
Statement 1: The net force on a closed circular current carrying loop placed in a uniform magnetic field is zero.Question 158
Statement 1: If a proton and an α-particle enter a uniform magnetic field perpendicularly with the same speed, the time period of revolution of α-particle is double than that of proton.Question 159
Statement 1: A charged particle is moving in a circular path under the action of a uniform magnetic field as shown in Fig. During motion kinetic energy of charged particle is costant.Question 163
The circuit in fig. consists of wires at the top and bottom and identical metal springs at the left and right sides.The wire at the bottom has a mass of 10.0g and is 5.00cm long. The wire is hanging as shown in the figure. The springes stretch 0.500 cm under the weight of the wire, and the circuit has a total resistance of 12.0Ω. When a magnetic field is turned on the springes stretch an additional 0.300 cm.Question 164
The circuit in fig. consists of wires at the top and bottom and identical metal springs at the left and right sides.The wire at the bottom has a mass of 10.0g and is 5.00cm long. The wire is hanging as shown in the figure. The springes stretch 0.500 cm under the weight of the wire, and the circuit has a total resistance of 12.0Ω. When a magnetic field is turned on the springes stretch an additional 0.300 cm.Question 165
A particle of mass m and charge q is accelerated by a potential difference V volt and made to enter a magnetic field region at an angle θ with the field. At the same moment, another particle of same mass and charge is projected in the direction of the field from the same point. Magnetic field induction is B. What would be the speed of second particle so that both particles meet again and again after regular interval of time. Also, find the time interval after which they meet and the distance travelled by the second particle during that interval.View SolutionQuestion 166
A particle of mass m and charge q is accelerated by a potential difference V volt and made to enter a magnetic field region at an angle θ with the field. At the same moment, another particle of same mass and charge is projected in the direction of the field from the same point. Magnetic field induction is B. What would be the speed of second particle so that both particles meet again and again after regular interval of time. Also, find the time interval after which they meet and the distance travelled by the second particle during that interval.View SolutionQuestion 167
A particle of mass m and charge q is accelerated by a potential difference V volt and made to enter a magnetic field region at an angle θ with the field. At the same moment , another particle of same mass and charge is projected in the direction of the field from the same point. Magnetic field of induction is B.Question 168
A charged particle carrying charge q=10μC moves with velocity v1=106,s−1 at angle 45∘ with x-axis in the xy plane and experience a force F1=5√2mN along the negative z-axis. When the same particle moves with velocity v2=106ms−1 along the z-axis, it experiences a force F2 in y-direction.Question 169
A charged particle carrying charge q=10μC moves with velocity v1=106ms−1 at angle 45∘ with x-axis in the xy plane and experience a force F1=5√2mN along the negative z-axis. When the same particle moves with velocity v2=106ms−1 along the z-axis, it experiences a force F2 in y-direction.Question 170
A conducting ring of mass m and radius r has a weightless conducting rod PQ of length 2r and resistance 2R attached to it along its diametre. It is pivoted at its centre C with its plane vertical, and two blocks of mass m and 2m are suspended by means of a light inextensible string passing over it as shown in Fig. The ring is free to rotate about C and the system is placed in magnetic field B (into the plane of the ring). A circuit is now complete by connecting the ring at A and C to a battery of emf V. It is found that for certain value of V , the system remains static.Question 171
A conducting ring of mass m and radius r has a weightless conducting rod PQ of length 2r and resistance 2R attached to it along its diametre. It is pivoted at its centre C with its plane vertical, and two blocks of mass m and 2m are suspended by means of a light inextensible string passing over it as shown in Fig. The ring is free to rotate about C and the system is placed in magnetic field B (into the plane of the ring). A circuit is now complete by connecting the ring at A and C to a battery of emf V. It is found that for certain value of V , the system remains static.Question 172
A conducting ring of mass m and radius r has a weightless conducting rod PQ of length 2r and resistance 2R attached to it along its diametre. It is pivoted at its centre C with its plane vertical, and two blocks of mass m and 2m are suspended by means of a light inextensible string passing over it as shown in Fig. The ring is free to rotate about C and the system is placed in magnetic field B (into the plane of the ring). A circuit is now complete by connecting the ring at A and C to a battery of emf V. It is found that for certain value of V , the system remains static.Question 173
In a region, magnetic field along x-axis changes according to the graph given in fig.Question 174
In a region, magnetic field along x-axis changes according to the graph given in fig.Question 175
The region between x=0 and x=L is filled with uniform constant magnetic field 25(T)ˆk. A particle of mass m=50g having positive charge q=1C and velocity →V0=50√3ˆi+50ˆjms−1 enters the region of the magnetic field. Neglect gravity throughout the question.Question 176
The region between x=0 and x=L is filled with uniform constant magnetic field 25(T)ˆk. A particle of mass m=50g having positive charge q=1C and velocity →V0=50√3ˆi+50ˆjms−1 enters the region of the magnetic field. Neglect gravity throughout the question.Question 177
In a certain region of space, there exists a uniform and constant electric field of magnitude E along the positive y-axis of a coordinate system. A charged particle of mass m and charge -q (qgt0) is projected form the origin with speed 2v at an angle of 60∘ with the positive x-axis in x-y plane. When the x-coordinate of particle becomes √3mv2/qE a uniform and constant magnetic field of strength B is also switched on along positive y-axis.Question 178
In a certain region of space, there exists a uniform and constant electric field of magnitude E along the positive y-axis of a coordinate system. A charged particle of mass m and charge -q (qgt0) is projected form the origin with speed 2v at an angle of 60∘ with the positive x-axis in x-y plane. When the x-coordinate of particle becomes √3mv2/qE a uniform and constant magnetic. field of strength B is also switched on along positive y-axis.Question 179
In a certain region of space, there exists a uniform and constant electric field of magnitude E along the positive y-axis of a coordinate system. A charged particle of mass m and charge -q (qgt0) is projected form the origin with speed 2v at an angle of 60∘ with the positive x-axis in x-y plane. When the x-coordinate of particle becomes √3mv2/qE a uniform and constant magnetic. field of strength B is also switched on along positive y-axis.Question 180
Uniform electric and magnetic fields with strength E and induction B, respectively, are along y-axis as shown in Fig. A particle with specific charge q/m leaves the origin O in the direcction of x-axis with an initial non-relativistic velocity v0Question 181
Uniform electric and magnetic fields with strength E and induction B, respectively, are along y-axis as shown in Fig. A particle with specific charge q/m leaves the origin O in the direcction of x-axis with an initial non-relativistic velocity v0Question 182
A thin, 50 cm long metal bar with mass 750 g rests on, but is not attrached to, two metallic supports in a uniform 0.450T magnetic field, as shown in fig. A battery and a 25Ω resistor in series are connected to the supports.Question 183
A thin, 50 cm long metal bar with mass 750 g rests on, but is not attrached to, two metallic supports in a uniform 0.450T magnetic field, as shown in fig. A battery and a 25Ω resistor in series are connected to the supports.Question 184
A conductor bar with mass m and length L slides over horizontal rails that are connected to a voltage source. The voltage source maintains a constant current I in the rails and bar, and constant, uniform, vertical magnetic field →B fills the region between the rails (as shown in Fig.)Question 185
A conductor bar with mass m and length L slides over horizontal rails that are connected to a voltage source. The voltage source maintains a constant current I in the rails and bar, and constant, uniform, vertical magnetic field →B fills the region between the rails (as shown in Fig.)Question 186
A thin, uniform rod with negligible mass and length 0.200m is attached to the floor by a frictionless hinge at point P (as shown in fig) A horizontal spring with force constant k=4.80Nm−1 connects the other end of the rod to a vertical wall. The rod to a vertical wall. The rod is in a uniform magnetic field B=0.340T directed into the plane of the figure. There is current I=6.50 A in the rod, in the direction shown.Question 187
A thin, uniform rod with negligible mass and length 0.200m is attached to the floor by a frictionless hinge at point P (as shown in fig) A horizontal spring with force constant k=4.80Nm−1 connects the other end of the rod to a vertical wall. The rod to a vertical wall. The rod is in a uniform magnetic field B=0.340T directed into the plane of the figure. There is current I=6.50 A in the rod, in the direction shown.Question 191
A non-conducting rod having circular cross section of radius R is suspended from a rigid support as shown in fig. A light and small coil of 300turns is wrapped tightly at the left end where uniform magnetic filed B exists in vertically downward direction. Air of density ρ hits the half of the right part of the rod with velocity V as shown in the fig. What should be current in clockwise direction (as seen from O) in the coil so that rod remains horizontal? Give answer in mA. Given 2Lv√πRBρ=1√5A−1/2.Question 192
A current I flows in a rectangularly shaped wire whose centre lies at (x0,0,0) and whose vertices are located at the points A (x0+d,−a,−b),B(x0−d,a,−b),C(x0−d,a,+b)andD(x0+d,−a,b) respectively. Assume that a,b,d << x0. Find the magnitude of magnetic dipole moment vector of the rectangular wire frame in J/T. (Given, b=10 m,I=0.01A, d=4m,a=3m).View SolutionQuestion 193
A small coil C with N=200 turns is mounted on one end of a balance beam and introduced between the poles of an electromagnetic as shown in Fig. The area of the coils is S=1cm2, the length of the right arm of the balance beam is l=30cm. When there is no current in the coil the balance is in equilibrium. On passing is a currentI=22mA through the coil, equilibrium is restored by putting an additional weight of mass m=60mg on the balance pan. Find the magnetic induction field (in terms of x10−1T) between the poles of the electromagnetic assuming it to be uniform.Question 194
A current I = 10 A flows in a ring of radius r0=15cm made of a very thin wire. The tensile strength of the wire is equal to T = 1.5 N. The ring is placed in a magnetic field, which is perpendicular to the plane of the ring so that the forces tend to break the ring. Find the magnetic field at which the ring is broken View SolutionQuestion 195
A 10 cm length of wire with a mass of 20g is attached frictionlessly to the vetical segments of a wire in which a current I flows. The surrounding has horizontal field B=104G and the vertical direction is shown in fig. What must be the current I (in A) to maintain the 10cm wire in an equilibrium position?Question 196
A metal wire PQ of mass 10g lies at rest on two horizontal metal rails separated by 5cm as shown in Fig. A vertically downward magnetic field of magnitude 0.80T exist in the space. The resistance of the circuit is slowly decreased and it is found that when the resistance goes below 20.0Ω the wire PQ starts sliding on the rails. The coefficient of friction between wires and rails is found. The coefficient of friction between wires and rails is found to be n/25. find nQuestion 198
A neutron, a proton, an electron and an alpha particle enter a region of constant magnetic field with equal velocities. The magnetic field is along the inward normal to the plane of the paper. The tracks of the particles are lebelled in Fig. The electron follow track......... and the alpha particle follow track..........Question 203
A uniform magnetic field with a slit system as shown in Fig. is to be used as a momentum filter for highenergy charged particles. With a field B tesla, it is found than the filter transmits α each of energy 5.3MeV. The magnetic field is increased to 2.3 times and deuterons are passed into the filter. The energy of each deutrons are passed into the filter. The energy of each deutrons transmitted by the filter is ........... MeV.Question 214
Two particles , each of mass m and charge q, are attached to the two ends of a light rigid rod of length 2R . The rod is rotated at constant angular speed about a perpendicular axis passing through its centre. The ratio of the magnitudes of the magnetic moment of the system and its angular momentum about the centre of the rod is View SolutionQuestion 218
Two particles A and B of masses mA and mB respectively and having the same charge are moving ina plane. A uniform magnetic field exists perependicular to this plane. The speeds of the particles are vA and vB respectively and the trajectories are as shown in the figure. Then,Question 220
For a positively charged particle moving in a x−y plane initially along the x-axis , there is a sudden change in its path due to the presence of electric and//or magnetic fields beyond p . The curved path is shown in the x−yplane and is found to be non - circular. Which one of the following combinations is possible ?Question 223
A magnetic field →B=B0ˆj , exists in the region a<x<2a , and →B=−B0ˆj , in the region 2a<x<3a, where B0 is a positive constant . A positive point charge moving with a velocity →v=v0ˆi , where v0 is a positive constant , enters the magnetic field at x=a . The trajectory of the charge in this region can be likeQuestion 224
A thin wire of length L is connected to two adjacent fixed points and carries a current I in the clockwise direction , as shown in the figure. When the system is put in a uniform magnetic field of strength B going into the plane of the paper , the wire takes the shape of a circle . The tension in the wire isQuestion 232
Consider the motion of a positive point charge in a region where there are simultaneous uniform eletric and magnetic field E=E0ˆj and B=B0ˆj. At time t=0, this charge has velocity v in the x-y-plane making an angle θ with the x-axis. Which of the following option(s) is (are) correct for time t>0?Question 233
A particle of massM and positive charge Q, moving with a constant velocity →u1=4ˆims−1, enters a region of uniform static magnetic field , normal to the x−y plane. The region of the magnetic field extends from x=0 to x=L for all values of y. After passing through this region, the particle emerges on the other side after 10milliseconds with a velocity →u2=2(√3ˆi+ˆj)ms−1 . The correct statement(s) is (are)View SolutionQuestion 235
Electrical resistance of certain materials, known as superconductors, changes abruptly from a nonzero value of zero as their temperature is lowered below a critical temperature TC(0). An interesting property of super conductors is that their critical temperature becomes smaller than TC(0) if they are placed in a magnetic field, i.e., the critical temperature TC(B) is a function of the magnetic field strength B. The dependence of TC(B) on B is shown in the figure.Question 236
Electrical resistance of certain materials, known as superconductors, changes abruptly from a nonzero value of zero as their temperature is lowered below a critical temperature TC(0). An interesting property of super conductors is that their critical temperature becomes smaller than TC(0) if they are placed in a magnetic field, i.e., the critical temperature TC(B) is a function of the magnetic field strength B. The dependence of TC(B) on B is shown in the figure.Question 237
Two parallel wires in the plane of the paper are distance X0 apart. A point charge is moving with speed u between the wires in the same plane at a distance X1 from one of the wires. When the wires carry current of magnitude I in the same direction, the radius of curvature of the path of the point charge is R1 In contrast, if the currents I in the two wires have directions opposite to each other, the radius of curvature of the path is R2. If X0X1=3, the value of R1R2 is View Solution