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Complete Solutions to Master Your Test (Solved Example) of chapter FRICTION of Class 8 book with complete answers and questions

PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATIONMaster Your Test (Solved Example)
Number Of Questions64
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Answer the following questions
    Name any one contact force and non-contact force

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  2. Answer the following questions
    Which surface will have less friction- a silk cloth or a cardboard sheet?

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  3. Answer the following questions
    If a force is exerted on an object towards the left, friction will act on it towards the _____

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  4. Suppose your writing desk is tilted a little. A book kept on it starts sliding down. Show the direction of frictional force acting on it.

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  5. What do you think why a vehicle slows down when brakes are applied?

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  6. Have you ever observed why a moving ball on the ground stops after some time?

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  7. Does friction affect the distance the ball will travel?

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  8. Why does a man slip when he steps on banana peel thrown on the road ?

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  9. Why do people slip on wet floors?

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  10. If you push a book on a table, it stops after moving for some distance. What happens if you push a book from the opposite directions. Give reasons for the below points
    Does the book stop this time, too?

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  11. If you push a book on a table, it stops after moving for some distance. What happens if you push a book from the opposite directions. Give reasons for the below points
    Does the book stop this time, too?

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  12. Does the friction depend on the smoothness of the surfaces?

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  13. Which factors affect the friction between two surfaces?

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  14. Does friction depend on mass?

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  15. What do you understand by frictional force?

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  16. Give two examples of balanced forces

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  17. Discuss two factors affecting frictional force

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  18. What do you understand by static friction?

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  19. Give three examples of static friction

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  20. Give two examples of sliding friction

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  21. what do you understand by rolling friction. Give two examples

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  22. Why do you find hard to move a stationary bed in your room?

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  23. Sliding friction acting between two surfaces is always less than static friction acting between the same two surfaces. Why?

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  24. Discuss why rolling friction is always less than sliding friction.

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  25. Case 1: Take two books and place them on a table on top of each other. Keep the position of the bottom book constant and slides the top book over its surface.
    Case 2: Now, place a few pencile in between the two books. Again, move the top book with respect to the bottom book
    In which of the two cases did you have to exert lesser force?

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  26. Case 1: Take two books and place them on a table on top of each other. Keep the position of the bottom book constant and slides the top book over its surface.
    Case 2: Now, place a few pencile in between the two books. Again, move the top book with respect to the bottom book
    What does this tell us about rolling and sliding friction?

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  27. Mention one striking difference between rolling and sliding friction

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  28. Which friction is greater, sliding or rolling?

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  29. Name a device which is used to measure force acting on an object.

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  30. The frictional force acting on a body at rest

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  31. Fill in the blanks given below with `lt, gt` or = signs to show the relationship between different types of friction forces.
    Static friction _______sliding friction ______Rolling friction

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  32. We use sliding friction when we write with a pencil. Discuss how

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  33. Why most forms of ground transportation use wheels, including bicycles, cars, 4-wheelers, roller skates, scooters, and skateboards?

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  34. Why our hands slip on oily surfaces more than they do on dry surfaces?

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  35. Why do we sprinkle fine powder on carrom board ?

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  36. Case1: If you place an empty chair on the ground and drag it to a little distance across the floor.
    Case 2: Now, ask you friend to sit on the chair and try to drag the chair across the floor. Answer the following questions
    Did you have to apply a similar force on the chair in both cases ? If not, in which case did you have to apply greater force? Why do you think this happend?

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  37. Case1: If you place an empty chair on the ground and drag it to a little distance across the floor.
    Case 2: Now, ask you friend to sit on the chair and try to drag the chair across the floor. Answer the following questions
    What do you understand about frictional force from this activity?

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  38. Heavier objects also have more friction. Can you explain why?

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  39. What do you think why you cannot slide as far across ice with shoes as you can on the thin blades of skates?

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  40. Why we put sand on icy sidewalks and roads?

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  41. What happends when toy car moving on sandpaper or a toy car moving on cemented floor? Compare each pair of cases.

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  42. An empty cardboard box or a large metallic cupboard on the same cemented floor. In which of the two cases will there be more friction?

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  43. What hapends when a bucket of water kept on dry floor or a bucket of water kept on wet floor? Compare each pair of cases.

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  44. Discuss two points on what factors friction depends

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  45. Explain why do we slip on ice

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  46. Why is it difficult ot maintain a grip over an oily cup or an ice cube?

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  47. Why does a matchstick light when we strike it on a rough surface ?

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  48. Discuss why rubbing your hands together makes them warmer.

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  49. Discuss how heat from friction between moving parts inside a car engine can be a big problem.

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  50. Our hands heat up when we rub them together for a while. Explain why?

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  51. Explain why meteoroid falls through the atmosphere with extremely high speed, it burns

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  52. Explain why, the soles of our shoes wear out gradually .

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  53. Discuss why noise is unnecessarily produced in many machines?

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  54. Can you imagine being able to walk at all if there is no friction?

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  55. Explain two factors why the gradual wear and tear off surfaces is caused.

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  56. Discuss why it is less tiring to move on skates as compared to walking on the road.

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  57. Why wheels are used at the bottom of luggage-carrying bags such as suitcases?

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  58. What do you mean by lubricants?

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  59. Discuss why lubricants are used in machine parts

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  60. Why is the surface of a slide polished to make it smooth ?

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  61. Discuss how ball bearings in the wheel reduce friction.

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  62. Why do athletes and mountaineers have spikes on the soles of their shoes?

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  63. Name any two objects of common use that work due to friction

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  64. Why do weightlifters usually apply some chalk powder on their hands before they lift weights?

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Master Your Test (Solved Example) questions and complete solutions for chapter FRICTION of PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 8