Discuss two points on what factors friction depends

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To discuss the factors on which friction depends, we can break it down into two main points:

Step 1: Normal Force
Friction depends on the normal force acting between the surfaces in contact. The normal force is the perpendicular force exerted by a surface against an object resting on it. When the normal force increases, the frictional force also increases. This is because a greater normal force means that the surfaces are pressed together more tightly, which enhances the interaction between the microscopic irregularities of the surfaces.

Step 2: Nature of Surfaces
The second factor that affects friction is the nature of the surfaces in contact. This includes the smoothness or roughness of the surfaces. Rough surfaces tend to create more friction because their irregularities interlock more effectively than smooth surfaces. Therefore, the type of material and its surface texture play a significant role in determining the amount of friction.

In summary, the two main factors that friction depends on are:
1. The normal force between the surfaces in contact.
2. The nature (smoothness or roughness) of the surfaces in contact.
