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Complete Solutions to Level 1 of chapter GEOMETRY of Class 8 book with complete answers and questions

Class 8MATHS
Number Of Questions32
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In the figure below (not to scale) , `bar(PQ)||bar(TS)`, reflex `/_ QRS=300^(@)` and `x-y =30^(@)`. The measure of `y` will be

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  2. In a triangle ABC, if `/_ A gt /_ B gt /_C` and the measures of `/_A , /_B ` and `/_ C` in degrees are integers, then the least possible value of `/_ A` is

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  3. In the above figure, `/_ ABD =20^(@), /_ BDC =110^(@)` and `/_ DCA =30^(@)` . What is the value of `/_ BAC` ?

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  4. In the figure below (not to scale), `bar(MR )_|_ bar(MP), bar(MQ) _|_ bar(MN)`, and `bar(MS)` is bisector of `/_ RMQ` . If `/_ PMN=50^(@)` , then find the measure of `/_ RMS`.

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  5. In the figure above (not to scale), `bar(EF)||bar(GD), bar(AF)||bar(EG), bar(AD)||bar(BC)` and `/_ DCG =100^(@)`. If `/_CDG=40^(@)`, then find `/_AEF`.

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  6. In the figure below, `bar(BC)|| bar(EF),BC=EF ` and `DF =AC`. Which of the following congurency axiom(s) is`//` are suitable to prove that `Delta BCA =Delta EFD` ?

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  7. In the above figure (not to scale), E and F are the mid points of AB and CD respectively.
    `bar(AB) | |bar(CD),bar(BC)||bar(AD),/_ADE =70^(@)`, AND `/_BCE =40^(@), /_DEC` is

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  8. What is the number of lines of symmetry for a parallelogram ?

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  9. Given below are some figures. Choose the image of the given figure with respect to the given line from the given choices.

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  10. In the given figure , PQ and RS are chords of length 10 cm each intersecting at B . If `anglePBS=90^(@)and` the area of `DeltaPBS` is 32 `cm^(2)` , then the length of BR is ________ .

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  11. In the above figure (not to scale), O is the centre of the circle. `bar(BC)` and `bar(CD)` are equal chords. If `/_ OBC =70^(@)` , then find `/_BAD`.

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  12. In the above figure (not to scale), O is the centre of the circle. `bar(AP)` and `bar(BP)` are two chords. C is the point of intersection of `bar(AP)` and `bar(OB)`. If `/_ OAC= 30^(@)` and `/_ PBC =80^(@)`, then `/_ AOB=`

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  13. In the above figure , `overline(AB)andoverline(AC)` are equal chords and `overline(OD)` is perpendicular to `overline(AC)` . If `angleCOD=60^(@)`, then the angle between the chords is ______ .

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  14. In the above figure, O is the centre of the circle and `AB=CD`. If `/_ APB=110^(@)`, then find the angle made by the chord CD at the centre.

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  15. In the above diagram (not to scale), `AB=AC=`. O is the centre of the circle. If `/_ ABC =80^(@)`, then `/_ BOC =`

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  16. In the figure above (not to scale), `AB=CD` and `/_A =100^(@)`. `/_ C =`

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  17. In the above figure, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral and `/_BCD =2 /_ BAD`. Find the angle made by the diagonal BD at the centre of the circle.

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  18. In the below figure, one part of the line of symmetrcy is given. Recongnise the second part.

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  19. In the above figure , AB and CD are equal chords and O is the centre of the circle. If `/_ OPB =50^(@)`, then `/_ PBD = "____________"`

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  20. In the given figure, `/_DBA=2 /_DAB = 4/_ CAD`.
    If `/_ ADC =120^(@)` , then the angle made by AB at the centre of the circle is

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  21. In the given figure (not to scale), O is the centre of the circle. A,B,C and D are concyclic and `AB=CD`. If `/_MON =120^(@)`, then find `/_ OPN`.

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  22. In the following figure ( not to scale), `/_ ADC =60^(@), /_ BAD =80^(@)` and `/_EBC = 2/_PDE`. Find `/_ APE`.

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  23. How many lines of symmetry does the above figure have ?

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  24. In the above figure (not to scale) `bar(AB),bar(BC),bar(CF),bar(DE)` and `bar(FE)` are chords of the circle. If `/_ ABC =100^(@)` and `/_ FED =110^(@)`, then `/_FPA =`

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  25. In the figure given below, `bar(ED)||bar(AB)` and `bar(EF)||bar(BC)`. If `/_FED =40^(@)` and `/_ DEC =20^(@)`, then the angle made by `bar(BC)` at the centre is

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  26. The supplement of an angle and the complement of another have a sum equal to half of a complete angle. If the greater angle is `10^(@)` more than the smaller , find the smaller angle.

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  27. ABCD is a trapezium in which `AB ||CD, AB =20cm, BC =10` cm, `CD =10` cm and `AD =10` cm . Find `/_ADC`

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  28. P is an interior point of quadrilateral ABCD and `AB =3.5`cm, `BC =4 cm, CD=4.8 cm ` and `AD =3.7 ` cm . Then which of the following can be the possible value of `(AP+BP+CP+DP)` ?

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  29. The angles of a triangle are in the ratio `2:3:4` . Find them
    The following are the steps involved in solving the above problem.
    Arrange them in sequential order from the first to the last.
    (A) `2x+3x+4x=180^(@)`
    `implies 9x= 180^(@)implies x=20^(@)`
    (B) Let the angles be A,B and C. Given `A:B:C=2:3:4`
    `implies A=2x,B=3x=C=4x`
    (C ) We know that the sumf of the angles of a triangle is `180^(@), ie., A+B+C=180^(@)`
    (D) The angles are `:A=2(20^(@))=40^(@),B=3(20^(@))= 60^(@)` and `C=4(20^(@))=80^(@)`.

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  30. Prove that each of the following diagonals of a parallelogram divides it into two congurent triangles. The following lowing are the steps involved in proving the above results. Arrange them in sequential order.

    (A) By SSS conguruence property , `Delta DAB ~= Delta BCD`.
    (B) Let ABCD be a parallelogram and join BD.
    (C ) `AB=CD,AD=BC`(opposite sides of parallelogram) and `BD =BD` (common side).
    (D ) Similarly , AC divides the parallelogram into two congruent triangles.

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  31. In a rhombus BEST,if `/_ B=60^(@)` and `BT =6cm`, then find the length of the diagonal TE.
    The following are the steps involved in solving the above problem. Arrange them in sequential order.
    (A) `implies Delta` BTE is an equilateral triangle.
    (B) Join T and E
    (C ) In `Delta BET, BT=BE implies /_ BTE =/_ BET =(180^(@)-60^(@))/(2)=60^(@) ( :' /_ B=60^(@))` .
    (D) `TE=6 `cm

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  32. The following sentences are the steps involved in construction of the incircle for the triangle XYZ in which `/_Y =90^(@), XZ=6` cm and `YZ =4` cm.
    Arrange them in sequential order from the first to the last.
    (A) Mark the foot of the perpendicular from I onto YZ as D.
    (B) Construct the triangle XYZ with `/_ Y =90^(@),XZ=6` cm and `YZ =4 cm`.
    (C ) Draw a circle with I as the centre and ID as radius. This is the required incircle.
    (D) Draw the bisectors of `/_ X, /_ Y` and `/_Z` and mark their point of concurrence as I.

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Level 1 questions and complete solutions for chapter GEOMETRY of PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 8