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Complete Solutions to Test Your Concepts (Short Answer Type Questions) of chapter MEASUREMENTS of Class 7 book with complete answers and questions

PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATIONTest Your Concepts (Short Answer Type Questions)
Number Of Questions16
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The mass of a bottle filled with water is found to be 150 g. the mass of the empty bottle is 50 g ad the external vlume o the container is 125 `cm^(3)`. Find out the density of the material of the bottle.

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  2. Ten identical metalic balls of density 5 g `cm^(-3)` when dropped inito water, the volume of the water diplaced is found to be 500 `cm^(3)`. Determine the mass of each metallic ball.

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  3. When 20 drops of water is added to a graduated cylinderical container filled with water, the level of the liquid rises from 10 ml to 20 ml. Calculate the mass of each water drop.

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  4. The density of a substance is 5kg per litre. Express it in `"g cm"^(-3)`

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  5. Give few examples from day to day life, where phyics is employed.

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  6. How is the volume of a regular solid determined?

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  7. A density bottle weighs 100 g when filled with liquid and 80 g when filled with water. If the weight of an empty density bottle is 20 g, find the density of the liquid.

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  8. The volume fo mercury and water is 50 ml each. What is the ratio of their mass, if their densities are in the ratio 68:5?

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  9. Find the density of cuboid of dimesions `3cmxx5cmxx7cm` and having mass 1 kg in SI system.

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  10. What is a density bottle?

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  11. What are the uses of tringulation method?

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  12. Explain how the ventilation in a room is possible

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  13. Explain why a flame point is in the upward direction.

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  14. Find thhe mass of 1 `m^(3)` of gold in kg when density of gold is 19 g `cm^(-3)`.

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  15. If 5 kg of glycerine occupies `0.004 m^(3)`, determine the density in `"g cm"^(-3)" and kg m"^(-3).`

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  16. Take two cubes each of side 4 cm made up of iron and aluminium. Why is there difference in masses of two cubes inspite of having same volume.

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Test Your Concepts (Short Answer Type Questions) questions and complete solutions for chapter MEASUREMENTS of PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 7