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Complete Solutions to Level 1 (MCQs) of chapter MEASUREMENTS of Class 7 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions48
Academic Year2023-24
  1. An atlas of India is drawn by taking scale 10 cm=15000 km. If the actual distance between the cities of Bhopal and cochin is 1500 km, the distance between the two places in the atlas will be_____cm.

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  2. Sea breeze is due to thhe change in density of air with_____.

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  3. Density of a liquid can be measured by using______.

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  4. The area of a circle whose radius is 10 cm is _____.

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  5. If the area of a square field is 100 `cm^(2)`, then the length of the side is______

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  6. The density of water at `4^@C` is:

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  7. Which among the following is the unit of density?

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  8. Which of the following is/are units of weight?

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  9. A ball is placed between two wooden blocks as shown in the figure. The volume of the sphere is_____

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  10. The density o a substance in CGS system is 4 g `cm^(-3)`. Its density in SI system is____ kg `m^(-3)`.

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  11. The volume of a body having density 1 g `cm^(-3)` and mass 100 g is _____ `cm^(3)`.

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  12. A cylinder of height 1 m and radius 10 cm is fully filled with water, the volume of water is _____`m^(3)`.

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  13. 1000 kg of water occuples how much volume?

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  14. 1 hectare = ...... `m^(2)`.

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  15. 1 kg `m^(-3)`=_____.

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  16. If the smallest measurement that can be measured by using a scale is 0.1 mm, then the length of 1 m in the scale is divided inot __________ equal parts.

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  17. Which of the following scale gives more accurate reading?

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  18. The unit of heat is/are

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  19. Which of the following statement is wrong?

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  20. The width of a stream is determined with the help of triangulation method. Arrange the followig steps in a sequence of explain the process to find the width.
    (A). Fix a certain startionary object like tree on the other bank of the strem.
    (B) Take two pins `(P_(1) and P_(2))` an fix `P_(1) and P_(2)` at one vertex of the drawing board such that pins and tree are on the same straight line.
    (C) Select two positions (say A and B) on the ground and the horizontal distance between them is noted. Let it be 'D' m.
    (D) Repeat the same process at position 'B' with other two pins `(P_(3) and P_(4))` at other vertex of the drawing board. ltBrgt (E) Take a drawing board and paste a white paper on it.
    (F). Fix the board at position 'A' such that one edge is directed along 'AB'.
    (G) Now, produce two straight lines and let meet at point 'P'. Complete the triangle with P, `P_(1) and P_(3)`. Measure the distnace between `P_(1) and P_(3)` say d. Then `(D)/(d)` gives the actual distance on ground for every oen cm on the drawing board.
    (H) Now the width of the river will be equal to the distance from midpoint of `P_(1) and P_(3)` (let it be `P_(5)`) ad P multiplied by `(D)/(d)`.

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  21. A density bottle weighs 120 g and 100 g when filled completely with oil ad water, respectively. If the weight of a empty density bottle is 40g, then arrange the following steps in sequence meant to solve the problem to get the density of oil
    (A). The density of the oil
    `D=("Mass of the oil")/("Weight of the water")=("Mass of the oil")/("Mass of the water")`
    `=("Weighht of oil")/("Weight of the water")=(W_(3)-W_(1))/(W_(2)-W_(1))`
    (B). Let the weight of the bottle +oil=`W_(3)=120g`
    and the weight of the bottle+water =`W_(2)`
    100g, where bottle is completely filled with liquid, i.e., oil or water.
    (C). Let the weight of the empty bottle`=W_(1)=40g`
    (D). The the weight of the oil ad water would be equal to `(W_(3)-W_(1)) and (W_(2)-W_(1))`, respectively.

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  22. Match columns

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  23. Match columns

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  25. An atlas of India is drawn by taking scale 10 cm=15000 km. If the actual distance between the cities of Bhopal and cochin is 1500 km, the distance between the two places in the atlas will be_____cm.

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  26. Sea breeze is due to thhe change in density of air with_____.

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  27. Density of a liquid can be measured by using______.

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  28. The area of a circle whose radius is 10 cm is _____.

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  29. If the area of a square field is 100 `cm^(2)`, then the length of the side is______

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  30. The density of water at `4^@C` is:

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  31. Which among the following is the unit of density?

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  32. Unit of weight is (are)_____.

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  33. A ball is placed between two wooden blocks as shown in the figure. The volume of the sphere is_____

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  34. The density o a substance in CGS system is 4 g `cm^(-3)`. Its density in SI system is____ kg `m^(-3)`.

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  35. The volume of a body having density 1 g `cm^(-3)` and mass 100 g is _____ `cm^(3)`.

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  36. A cylinder of height 1 m and radius 10 cm is fully filled with water, the volume of water is _____`m^(3)`.

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  37. 1000 kg of water occuplies

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  38. 1 hectare=____`m^(2)`

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  39. 1 kg `m^(-3)`=_____.

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  40. If the smallest measurement that can be measured by using a scale is 0.1 mm, then the length of 1 m in the scale is divided inot __________ equal parts.

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  41. Which of the following scale gives more accurate reading?

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  42. Which among the followig is the unit of heat?

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  43. Which of the following statement is wrong?

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  44. The width of a stream is determined with the help of triangulation method. Arrange the followig steps in a sequence of explain the process to find the width.
    (A). Fix a certain startionary object like tree on the other bank of the strem.
    (B) Take two pins `(P_(1) and P_(2))` an fix `P_(1) and P_(2)` at one vertex of the drawing board such that pins and tree are on the same straight line.
    (C) Select two positions (say A and B) on the ground and the horizontal distance between them is noted. Let it be 'D' m.
    (D) Repeat the same process at position 'B' with other two pins `(P_(3) and P_(4))` at other vertex of the drawing board. ltBrgt (E) Take a drawing board and paste a white paper on it.
    (F). Fix the board at position 'A' such that one edge is directed along 'AB'.
    (G) Now, produce two straight lines and let meet at point 'P'. Complete the triangle with P, `P_(1) and P_(3)`. Measure the distnace between `P_(1) and P_(3)` say d. Then `(D)/(d)` gives the actual distance on ground for every oen cm on the drawing board.
    (H) Now the width of the river will be equal to the distance from midpoint of `P_(1) and P_(3)` (let it be `P_(5)`) ad P multiplied by `(D)/(d)`.

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  45. A density bottle weighs 120 g and 100 g when filled completely with oil ad water, respectively. If the weight of a empty density bottle is 40g, then arrange the following steps in sequence meant to solve the problem to get the density of oil
    (A). The density of the oil
    `D=("Mass of the oil")/("Weight of the water")=("Mass of the oil")/("Mass of the water")`
    `=("Weighht of oil")/("Weight of the water")=(W_(3)-W_(1))/(W_(2)-W_(1))`
    (B). Let the weight of the bottle +oil=`W_(3)=120g`
    and the weight of the bottle+water =`W_(2)`
    100g, where bottle is completely filled with liquid, i.e., oil or water.
    (C). Let the weight of the empty bottle`=W_(1)=40g`
    (D). The the weight of the oil ad water would be equal to `(W_(3)-W_(1)) and (W_(2)-W_(1))`, respectively.

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  46. Match columns

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  47. Match the following

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Level 1 (MCQs) questions and complete solutions for chapter MEASUREMENTS of PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 7