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Complete Solutions to SOLVED EXAMPLES of chapter PHYSICAL QUANTITIES AND MEASUREMENT of Class 7 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions38
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A box is of dimensions 2.4 m x 1.0 m x 75 cm. Find the volume of the box.

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  2. Calculate the volume of a book which is 24 cm in length, 15 cm in breadth and 1 cm in height, in (a) `cm^3 (b) m^3` .

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  3. A measuring cylinder contains water to a level of 22 mL. The water level rises to 30 mL when a piece of copper is completely immersed in it. Find the volume of copper piece

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  4. The diameter of a circular park is 30 m. Find its surface area.

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  5. The boundary line of an irregular lamina, on a graph paper is shown in Fig. Find the approximate area of the lamina. In Fig. , the number of complete squares = 14
    The number of squares more than half = 11

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  6. A piece of iron has a volume of `25 cm^3` and mass 195 g. Find the density of iron in `g cm^(-3)`

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  7. A piece of iron has a volume of `25 cm^3` and mass 195 g. Find the density of iron in `kg m^(-3)`

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  8. The density of silver is `10 g cm^-3`. Find the mass of a silver block of volume `200 cm^3` .

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  9. The mass of a wooden block is 56 g. If the density of wood is `0.8 g cm^(-3)` , find the volume of block.

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  10. The mass of 1 litre of water is 1 kg. Find the density of water in `gcm^(-3)`

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  11. The mass of 1 litre of water is 1 kg. Find the density of water in ` kg m^(-3)`

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  12. The length, breadth and height of a room are 8 m, 5 m and 3 m respectively. If density of air is `1.29 kg m^(-3)` , find the mass of air in the room.

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  13. A copper piece of mass 88 g when immersed completely into water contained in a measuring cylinder, raises the level of water from 15 mL to 25 mL. Find the volume of copper piece

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  14. A copper piece of mass 88 g when immersed completely into water contained in a measuring cylinder, raises the level of water from 15 mL to 25 mL. Find the density of copper.

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  15. Convert the speeds in `ms^(-1)`
    `3km "min"^(-1)`

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  16. Convert the speeds in `ms^(-1)`
    `36 km h^(-1)`

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  17. A car travels a distance of 200 km in 3 h. Find the speed of car in `ms^(-1)

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  18. A cyclist is moving with a speed of `20 km h^(-1)` . How long will he take to travel a distance of 1.5 km ?

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  19. A car travels for 20 min with a constant speed of 54 km `h^(-1)` Find the distance travelled by the car.

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  20. A body A travels a distance 600 m in 1 min while body B travels a distance 1 km in 20 s. Which body moves faster ? Give reason.

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  21. A piece of steel has a volume of `10 cm^(3)` and a mass of 80 g. What is its density in:

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  22. A piece of steel has a volume of `10 cm^(3)` and a mass of 80 g. What is its density in:

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  23. What is the mass of `5m^(3)` of cement of density `2000 kg//m^(3)` ?

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  24. Mass of a stone is 50g. When it is immersed in water the level rises from 45mL to 75mL. Determine the density of the stone.

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  25. A block is 8 cm long, 2 cm wide, and 3 cm high and has a mass 375 g.
    What is its density?

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  26. A block is 8 cm long, 2 cm wide, and 3 cm high and has a mass 375 g.
    Express density in `kg//m^(3)`

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  27. A block is 8 cm long, 2 cm wide, and 3 cm high and has a mass 375 g.
    Compare the density of the block with the density of different substances in Table and find out what material the block is made of.

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  28. What is the mass of a piece of wood that has a density of `0.85 g//cm^(3)` and a volume of `29.4 cm^(3)`?

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  29. An empty bottle weighs 30 g. It weighs 54 g when filled with kerosene. If the volume of the bottle is 30 mL, find the density of kerosene in `g//cm^(3)` and in `kg//m^(3)`

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  30. A boy starts from home, goes to a shop, which is 2 km away, buys things, and comes back in an hour. What is the speed with which he travels?

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  31. A girl runs along a circular track of radius 5 m starting from point A. What will be the distance travelled by her and speed
    if she comes back to the initial position in 300 s

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  32. A girl runs along a circular track of radius 5 m starting from point A. What will be the distance travelled by her and speed
    if she stops halfway at B in 400 s?

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  33. A Volvo bus covers 240 km in three hours and a car covers 250 km in five hours. Which is faster?

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  34. Ria covered a distance of 600 m in two minutes whereas Lia covered the same distance in three minutes. Who is faster?

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  35. If a bus travels a distance of 30 km in 45 minutes. What will be its speed in:
    `km//"min "`

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  36. If a bus travels a distance of 30 km in 45 minutes. What will be its speed in:
    `km//"hr "`

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  37. If a bus travels a distance of 30 km in 45 minutes. What will be its speed in:
    `km//"s "`

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  38. If a bus travels a distance of 30 km in 45 minutes. What will be its speed in:
    `m//"s "`

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SOLVED EXAMPLES questions and complete solutions for chapter PHYSICAL QUANTITIES AND MEASUREMENT of ICSE of Class 7