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Complete Solutions to EXERCISE 5.6 of chapter UNDERSTANDING ELEMENTARY SHAPES of Class 6 book with complete answers and questions

Class 6MATHS
MathematicsEXERCISE 5.6
Number Of Questions4
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Name the types of following triangles : (a) Triangle with lengths of sides `7 cm, 8 cm and 9 cm`. (b) `DeltaABC with AB=8.7 cm, AC=7 cm and BC =6cm`. (c) `Delta PQR` such that `PQ=QR=PR=5cm`. (d) `Delta m

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  2. Match the following :Measures of Triangle                   Type of Triangle(i) 3 sides of equal length                   (a) Scalene(ii) 2 sides of equal length                  (b) Isosceles right angled(iii) All sides are of different length   (c) Obtuse angled(iv) 3 acute angles                              (d) Right angled(v) 1 right angle                                  (e) Equilateral(vi) 1 obtuse angle                              (f) Acute angled(vii) 1 right angle with two sides of equal length (g) Isosceles

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  3. Name each of the following triangles in two different ways: (you may judge the nature of the angle by observation)

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  4. Try to construct triangles usingmatch sticks. Some are shown here.Can you make a triangle with(a) 3 matchsticks?(b) 4 matchsticks?(c) 5 matchsticks?(d) 6 matchsticks?(Remember you have to use all theavailable matchsticks in each case)Name the type of triangle in each case.If you cannot make a triangle, think of reasons for it

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EXERCISE 5.6 questions and complete solutions for chapter UNDERSTANDING ELEMENTARY SHAPES of NCERT MATHEMATICS(ENGLISH) of Class 6

All Exercises from Mathematics Class 6 MATHS UNDERSTANDING ELEMENTARY SHAPES