JEE Main 2022 Physics Preparation Tips and Exam Strategy

The physics section of Joint Engineering Examination (JEE) Main is considered one of the toughest sections of the paper. Various questions asked in the physics paper require an understanding of the basic concepts; however, certain questions can be solved by the direct application of formulas. Therefore, it is extremely crucial to understand the exam strategies to apply physics concepts effectively. To help the JEE aspirants ace the physics section; here are some JEE Main 2022 physics preparation tips, best books and important topics –

Must Read Topics of Physics JEE Main 2022

In Physics, chapters like limits and measurements, the centre of mass, work, energy and power, and rotational motion form the major portion of the mechanics. If a JEE aspirant has a good understanding of these chapters, then other chapters like kinematics can be done fairly easily. Other chapters like ray optics and modern physics are moderately easy as well as short. Candidates can revise these chapters quickly.

Electrostatics and current electricity form a key portion of the class 12 syllabus. Make sure you cover these topics thoroughly and also revise them consistently. Topics that carry a high weightage also include properties of matter, thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. Delineated are the most important topics for the JEE Main Physics 2022

  1. Electrostatics
  2. Magnetics
  3. Physics and measurement
  4. Oscillation and Waves
  5. Electromagnetic Induction and AC
  6. Dual nature of matter and radiation
  7. Modern Physics
  8. Current Electricity
  9. Communication system
  10. Optics
  11. Waves
  12. Gravitation

JEE Main 2022 Books for Physics

Every new batch of Class 11 and 12 students starts its journey towards JEE Mains with one question in mind: which book to follow? Often, due to lack of proper guidance, students end up buying junk and wasting money at the same time. It is important to refer to the right books if you wish to successfully clear the JEE Main 2022 exam. Tabulated below are the best Physics books for JEE Main 2022 preparations; which JEE examination experts have vouched for over the years –



Fundamentals of Physics

Halliday, Resnick and Walker

Concepts of Physics

H. C. Verma

Problems in General Physics

I. E. Irodov

Problem In Physics

SS Krotov

University Physics

Freedman and Young

Understanding JEE physics series

DC Pandey

To excel in Physics you must work on your numerical solving ability and for that, you must master a few mathematics skills. This is because the physics numerical problems are quite simple to solve if you can apply basic ratio and proportions then you can come to a relevant answer without even following the long numerical problems. 

One of the most effective methods to know your preparation level is by solving sample papers. The sample papers contain the most important and most-relevant questions that have the highest weightage in examination. It is a must to do item to get the real feel of the competitive examination. Samples papers are important to evaluate your preparedness level. Sample paper aims to assist you in recognizing your strengths and weak areas so that you can work upon them constructively. Simply practice and try to solve as many problems as possible to get into the habit of self-evaluation.

On Doubtnut App, you can easily find and download all JEE Mains Physics samples papers. It is the smartest way to expose yourself to a variety of questions before the examination. Install the app now!

JEE Main 2022 Registration to Begin Soon

The National Testing Agency (NTA) will soon commence the JEE Main 2022 registration on its official website jeemain (dot) nta (dot) nic (dot) in. The engineering entrance exam will be conducted four times a year by the NTA. The JEE Main 2022 session 1 exam will be held tentatively in January 2022, the second session in the February, JEE Main session 3 will be held in March 2022 and the fourth and final session will be conducted in April 2022 tentatively.

Some Important Concepts for Class 12:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Physics JEE Main 2022

Question: How can I prepare for JEE Main 2022?

Answer: To prepare for JEE main 2022 enrol with Doubtnut crash course for JEE.

Question: Will JEE Main 2022 Physics be easy?

Answer: As per the past trends, the difficulty level of JEE Main Physics paper is generally moderate to tough. Candidates can refer to JEE Mains previous year question papers to understand the level of difficulty of Physics.

Question: Will the competition be in JEE Main 2022 below?

Answer: The competition in JEE Main 2022 is expected to be low in comparison to previous years since several candidates would be dropping out due to the loss of physical classes.

Question: Will JEE Main 2022 be conducted 4 times?

Answer: Yes, JEE Main 2022 would be conducted in 4 sessions i.e. February, March, April and May.

Question: When will JEE Main 2022 registrations commence?

Answer: The JEE Main 2022 online application process is expected to commence in January 2022. 

Further readings –

Hi, I’m Aarti Chauhan

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