Cancel CBSE Term 2 Board Exams 2022: Students on Twitter

India is in the middle of the third wave of COVID-19, where most of the state governments has directed the closure of the educational institutions. Amid the current grim situation, a key question looms over the CBSE Class 10 and 12 students, “Will CBSE board exams 2022 be cancelled OR postponed?” Several Class 10 and 12 candidates are raising their voices on Twitter using the hashtag – #Cancelboardpariskha, making it trend over Twitter.

From session 2022 onwards, CBSE, along with several state education boards, decided to divide the Class 10 and 12 board exam syllabus into two terms. The CBSE term 1 board exams were conducted in the months of November-December. Since then, students have been eagerly waiting for the CBSE Class 10, 12 Term 1 results; however, there has been no update on the same.

According to several media reports, the CBSE board exam term 1 result is likely to be announced anytime soon. However, CBSE has not given an official statement regarding the CBSE result date. As per the schedule mentioned earlier by the Board, CBSE will conduct the Class 10, 12 term 2 exams in the month of March-April 2022. In total, only 2 months are left for the candidates to prepare for the CBSE board exams 2022.

Amid the surging COVID-19 cases all across the country, education institutes have been shut for offline classes, and only online classes have been allowed to continue by the government. However, online classes put many underprivileged students at a disadvantage.

Several students cannot afford a mobile phone, laptop or tablet to continue online study.

Furthermore, increasing COVID-19 cases, many students with co-morbidities are also at risk of getting infected. Considering these issues in mind, several Class 10 and Class 12 students have taken over Twitter demanding the CBSE board term 2 exams cancellation.

Cancel CBSE Board Exams 2022 – Twitter Reactions by Students

Tweets from CBSE students demanding Cancellation of CBSE Term 2 board exams 2022 –

1. Ks Sanjay (@KsSanjay56): Pls cancel the board exam because a few months of classes were online and why you wanna to keep exams offline. See if I play PUBg well will u take me to army. #cancelcbseexam

2. anny_119_ (@KimSeok55350109): Cbse exam should cancel why we didn’t even had proper classes this year if anyone of us failed who’ll take the responsibility of class 12 students we paid our fees if u can teach us from online class then why the offline exam is going on what government think about.

3. Ram Tripathi (@ramtripathi07) #cancelboardexam #Cancelboardpariskha  Guys we are going through great pain and stress the gov is not ready to listen who should we convey our problems exams must be cancelled as they are saying online toh possible hi nahi hai we need every students support.

4. Kaustubh patil (@kaustub86560375): #cancelboardexams2022, #Cancelboardpariskha, #cancelboardpariksha It is not possible for a student to complete syllabus in 1 and 1/2 month. Teacher had completed chapter in 1 period. Atleast give us 3 months for syllabus.

5. Garib (@Garib59539322): #cancelboardexams2022, #Cancelboardpariskha, #cancelboard2022, @VarshaEGaikwad When the whole syllabus is completed online how you can expect from us to give offline exams and even COVID is around. 

Cancel CBSE Board Exams 2022

6. Glimpse (@MuskanS83283552): We have a life okay? Do yall understand there's a term mental health that exists?we could get ill too because of ur stupid decision!let us move further to prepare for more important exams. So we aint late for neet/jee/.. #cancelboardexams2022 #cancelboardpariksha

Some Important Concepts for UCEED 2022:

CBSE Term 1 Results for Class 10th and 12th to be Out Soon

The CBSE is expected to announce the Class 10th and 12th board exam result for term 1 any time soon. Students can check their results online on CBSE official website check i.e., cbse (dot) gov (dot) in OR cbseresults (dot) nic (dot) in. To check the result, students will have to enter the CBSE Class 10th / 12th roll number, date of birth. Apart from the CBSE official website, students can also check their results using the SMS, IVRS, and Digi locker facility of the Board. CBSE board exam results for Class 10th and 12th result 2022 will include the marks statement, overall grades, division and other details.

Some Important Concepts for Class 10:

Cancel CBSE Term 2 Board Exams: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question: Will CBSE Class 10, 12 term 2 board exams be cancelled?

Answer: As of now, CBSE has not released any official statement regarding the cancellation of CBSE board exams term 2. Also, Board is yet to announce the CBSE term 2 exam dates.

Question: Are CBSE board exams 2022 term 2 cancelled?

Answer: No, currently there is no official announcement by CBSE regarding the cancellation of CBSE board exams 2022 term 2. Stay tuned with Doubtnut for the latest CBSE updates!

Further readings –

Hi, I’m Aarti Chauhan

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