Best Preparation Tips for CBSE Term II Board Exams 2022

The CBSE board is all set to begin term 2 class 10 and 12 board exams in March/ April 2022. Here are some last-minute board exam tips to fine-tune your performance and boost your confidence in the CBSE term 2 board exam 2022.

Know the CBSE Term 2 Syllabus

The first and foremost thing you need while preparing for term 2 board exams is the syllabus. This year the board has divided the syllabus in two sections – term 1 and term 2. For upcoming board exams, students are only required to cover the topics designated in the term 2 syllabus. Therefore, it is extremely important to know the syllabus of the exams you are preparing for. The syllabus of a subject provides information about the subsequent weightage of the chapter in the subject. There are certain topics on which you must give some extra attention. Make sure you cover the entire syllabus without compromise.

In case, you have not finished the syllabus well within the time then depending upon the examination weightage you can also skip a few topics with less weightage and try to revise the topics you have learned earlier.  However, if those topics have a higher weightage in the examination, then you rather should find time to study those chapters.

Early to bed, early to rise

This is what you need to start doing right from tonight. Take an 8-hour sleep if you want to keep your mind fresh for tomorrow. Staying fit on exam days is extremely important.

Try to be in your bed around 11:00 p.m. and wake up in the morning by 7:00 a.m. Proper 8 hours of rest at night will keep you fresh and energetic. It will ensure that your brain has relaxed well. Moreover, the morning is the best time to start studying. This routine will keep you stay focused and your mind absolutely fresh.

Proper Timetable to Make Your Preparations Organized

Time management is the most important aspect of board exam preparation. However, many students look at time as their enemy. It may be because they start preparing a little too late in a haphazard manner. It causes too much confusion.

Without a proper timetable, studying will not benefit you much. It is because you won’t be able to organize your syllabus in sync with the amount of time you have. Therefore, for successful preparation, you must prepare a proper study timetable first.  To prepare a timetable you need to know your own speed of learning. You must schedule topics without thinking about what your friends are doing. List all the subjects you need to study. Then make a timetable depending upon your weak and strong areas of the syllabus. It all depends on what suits you best and which section of the syllabus you would like to revise first, second or third.

Solve Sample Papers

Sample Paper is another most important thing. It helps you understand the exam pattern and marking scheme of the subject you are preparing. Once you have covered the entire syllabus, and then make sure to solve CBSE 2022 sample papers. Also, since CBSE has recently revised the exam pattern solving the sample question papers will boost your examination practice.

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Tips to Effectively Solve the Sample Papers:

  1. Solve sample papers by creating similar examination conditions, in your home.
  2. Sample papers should be solved within the specified time limit i.e. 3 hours.
  3. Do not look for answers while attempting the sample question paper. If you do not know the answer, then, skip the question and attempt to next.
  4. In the final 15 minutes, revise the answer sheet, for any silly mistakes.
  5. Lastly, give your self-marks without bias and make sure to practice again those questions of which you were not sure of. Learn and re-write them. 

Time Management Tips for the Exam Day

On the day of examination students often get confused about how to write the answers in a time-efficient manner. This situation even leads to stress and may ultimately affect your performance in the exam.

As the CBSE board term, 2 exams 2022 are approaching fast, it is essential to work on the time management factor while writing the exam. Have you planned the time management for board exams as well?

Some Important Concepts for Class 12:

Follow delineated tips to finish the question paper on time and a few minutes spare to read the answer sheet:

Practice previous year question papers: Solving previous year papers by creating similar exam conditions, i.e. within the specified period of three, before the exam. It is the best way to get accustomed to solving 30-35 questions at one stretch without any break.

Read the question paper carefully: While attempting the question paper make sure to read the question paper and instructions carefully. CBSE board provides an initial extra 15 minutes for students to read the question paper. Properly utilize this time to read the question paper thoroughly. In these 15 minutes identify the section/questions which you would like to attempt first and last.

Attempt the easy questions first: It is not mandatory to follow the serial order while attempting the question paper. You can start attempting the easier section or your favourite questions. It would help boost your morale in the early hours of the examination. Moreover, don’t waste your time on any question of which you don’t know the solution.

Examination day attitude matters a lot: Studying is essential, but the right attitude on the day of the examination also matters. All preparation may go wrong if a student is nervous. Therefore, believe in yourself and try to maintain your calm on the day of the examination.

Further readings –

Hi, I’m Aarti Chauhan

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