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What is the value of x so that the seven digit number 55350x2 is divisible by 72?
x का मान क्या होना चाहिए ताकि सात अंकों की संख्या 55350x2 72 से विभाजित हो जाए ?









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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find the value of x such that the seven-digit number 55350x2 is divisible by 72, we need to ensure that it is divisible by both 8 and 9, since 72=8×9.

Step 1: Check divisibility by 8
A number is divisible by 8 if the last three digits of the number form a number that is divisible by 8. The last three digits of our number are 0x2.

- We can express this as 0x2=2+10x.
- We will check the values of x from 0 to 9 to find which values make 0x2 divisible by 8.

Calculating for each x:
- If x=0: 002÷8=0.25 (not divisible)
- If x=1: 012÷8=1.5 (not divisible)
- If x=2: 022÷8=2.75 (not divisible)
- If x=3: 032÷8=4 (divisible)
- If x=4: 042÷8=5.25 (not divisible)
- If x=5: 052÷8=6.5 (not divisible)
- If x=6: 062÷8=7.75 (not divisible)
- If x=7: 072÷8=9 (divisible)
- If x=8: 082÷8=10.25 (not divisible)
- If x=9: 092÷8=11.5 (not divisible)

From this, we find that x can be either 3 or 7 for the number to be divisible by 8.

Step 2: Check divisibility by 9
A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 9. The digits of our number are 5,5,3,5,0,x,2.

Calculating the sum of the digits:
We need 20+x to be divisible by 9.

Now, let's check for both possible values of x:

1. If x=3:
20+3=23(23÷9=2.56 not divisible)

2. If x=7:
20+7=27(27÷9=3 divisible)

The only value of x that makes 55350x2 divisible by both 8 and 9 is x=7.

Thus, the value of x is 7.

Updated on:7/8/2024

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