What should replace * in the number 94*2357, so that the number is divisible by 11?
संख्या 94*2357 में * के स्थान पर कौन सी संख्या आनी चाहिए ताकि यह संख्या 11 से विभाजित हो जाए |
To determine what should replace * in the number 94*2357 so that the number is divisible by 11, we can follow these steps:
Step 1: Identify the digits in the number
The number is 94*2357. We will denote the digit that replaces * as x. Therefore, the number can be represented as 94x2357.
Step 2: Separate the digits into two groups
For a number to be divisible by 11, we need to sum the digits in the odd positions and the digits in the even positions separately.
- Odd position digits: 9 (1st), x (3rd), 3 (5th), 7 (7th)
- Even position digits: 4 (2nd), 2 (4th), 5 (6th)
Step 3: Calculate the sums of the two groups
- Sum of odd position digits: 9+x+3+7=19+x
- Sum of even position digits: 4+2+5=11
Step 4: Find the difference between the two sums
Now, we will find the difference between the sum of the odd position digits and the sum of the even position digits:
Step 5: Set the difference to be divisible by 11
For the number to be divisible by 11, the difference |8+x| must be either 0 or a multiple of 11.
Step 6: Solve for x
1. Case 1: 8+x=0
- This gives x=−8 (not valid since x must be a digit between 0 and 9).
2. Case 2: 8+x=11
- This gives x=3 (valid digit).
3. Case 3: 8+x=−11
- This gives x=−19 (not valid).
4. Case 4: 8+x=22
- This gives x=14 (not valid).
The only valid solution is from Case 2, where x=3.
Thus, the digit that should replace * in the number 94*2357 for it to be divisible by 11 is 3.
The number is 94*2357. We will denote the digit that replaces * as x. Therefore, the number can be represented as 94x2357.
For a number to be divisible by 11, we need to sum the digits in the odd positions and the digits in the even positions separately.
- Even position digits: 4 (2nd), 2 (4th), 5 (6th)
- Sum of odd position digits: 9+x+3+7=19+x
- Sum of even position digits: 4+2+5=11
Now, we will find the difference between the sum of the odd position digits and the sum of the even position digits:
For the number to be divisible by 11, the difference |8+x| must be either 0 or a multiple of 11.
1. Case 1: 8+x=0
- This gives x=−8 (not valid since x must be a digit between 0 and 9).
2. Case 2: 8+x=11
- This gives x=3 (valid digit).
3. Case 3: 8+x=−11
- This gives x=−19 (not valid).
4. Case 4: 8+x=22
- This gives x=14 (not valid).
Thus, the digit that should replace * in the number 94*2357 for it to be divisible by 11 is 3.
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