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Use Euclid division algorithm to find the HCF of 441, 567 and 693.

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To find the HCF (Highest Common Factor) of the numbers 441, 567, and 693 using the Euclidean division algorithm, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Find HCF of 567 and 693

1. Identify the numbers: Let a=693 and b=567.
2. Apply the Euclidean division algorithm:
where q is the quotient and r is the remainder.

We divide 693 by 567:
Here, q=1 and r=126.

Step 2: Repeat with 567 and 126

3. Now, we take a=567 and b=126:
Dividing 567 by 126:
Here, q=4 and r=63.

Step 3: Repeat with 126 and 63

4. Next, we take a=126 and b=63:
Dividing 126 by 63:
Here, q=2 and r=0.

Since the remainder is now 0, we conclude that the HCF of 567 and 693 is 63.

Step 4: Find HCF of 441 and 63

5. Now, we need to find the HCF of 441 and 63:
Let a=441 and b=63:
Dividing 441 by 63:
Here, q=7 and r=0.

Since the remainder is 0, the HCF of 441 and 63 is 63.


Thus, the HCF of 441, 567, and 693 is 63.

