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The greatest number by which the product of three consecutive multiples of 3 is always divisible is 54      (b) 81      (c) 162      (d) 243

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To find the greatest number by which the product of three consecutive multiples of 3 is always divisible, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Define the three consecutive multiples of 3
Let the first multiple of 3 be represented as 3n, where n is a natural number. The next two consecutive multiples of 3 can be expressed as:
- Second multiple: 3(n+1)=3n+3
- Third multiple: 3(n+2)=3n+6

Step 2: Write the product of these multiples
The product of these three consecutive multiples of 3 can be represented as:

Step 3: Factor out the common term
We can factor out 3 from each term in the product:

Step 4: Analyze the product n(n+1)(n+2)
The expression n(n+1)(n+2) represents the product of three consecutive integers. This product is always divisible by 2 and 3:
- Among any three consecutive integers, one of them is divisible by 3.
- At least one of them is even, hence the product is divisible by 2.

Step 5: Determine the divisibility of P
Since P=27×n(n+1)(n+2), and we know n(n+1)(n+2) is divisible by 6 (which is 2×3), we can conclude:
P is divisible by 27×6=162

Step 6: Verify with specific values of n
Let's substitute some values for n to verify:
- For n=1:
- For n=2:
- For n=3:

In all cases, P is divisible by 162.

The greatest number by which the product of three consecutive multiples of 3 is always divisible is:
