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If n is any positive integer, 34n43n is always divisible by 7 (b) 12 (c) 17 (d) 145

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To determine which number 34n43n is always divisible by for any positive integer n, we will analyze the expression step by step.

Step 1: Substitute n=1
Let's start by substituting the smallest positive integer, n=1.


Step 2: Calculate 34 and 43
Now, we calculate 34 and 43:


Step 3: Compute x
Now, substitute these values back into the expression for x:


Step 4: Check divisibility
At this point, we have found that for n=1, x=17. We need to check if this result holds for other values of n.

Step 5: Substitute n=2
Next, let's substitute n=2:


Step 6: Calculate 38 and 46
Now, we calculate 38 and 46:


Step 7: Compute x
Now, substitute these values back into the expression for x:


Step 8: Factor 2465
Next, we factor 2465:


Step 9: Generalize for n
From the calculations for n=1 and n=2, we see that x is divisible by 17. We can check further values of n (like n=3, n=4, etc.) and find that x continues to be divisible by 17.

Thus, we conclude that 34n43n is always divisible by 17 for any positive integer n.

Final Answer
The correct option is (c) 17.

