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The composition of two continuous function is a continuous function.

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The correct Answer is:1

To determine whether the statement "The composition of two continuous functions is a continuous function" is true or false, we will prove that it is indeed true.

1. Define Continuous Functions:
Let f(x) and g(x) be two continuous functions. By definition, a function f(x) is continuous at a point c if:
This means that the left-hand limit (LHL), right-hand limit (RHL), and the function value at that point must all be equal.

2. Consider the Composition:
We want to prove that the composition h(x)=f(g(x)) is continuous.

3. Choose a Point:
Let k be any point in the domain of g such that g(k) is in the domain of f.

4. Evaluate Limits:
Since g(x) is continuous at k, we have:

5. Apply Continuity of f:
Since f(x) is continuous at g(k), we can write:
where y=g(x).

6. Combine the Limits:
Now, we can express the limit of the composition:

7. Conclusion:
Therefore, we have shown that:
This proves that h(x)=f(g(x)) is continuous at k.

8. Generalization:
Since k was arbitrary, we conclude that the composition of two continuous functions f and g is continuous everywhere in their domains.

Final Statement:
Thus, the statement "The composition of two continuous functions is a continuous function" is true.

