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Show that AB=AC need not imply B=C.

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To show that AB=AC need not imply B=C, we can construct specific sets A, B, and C and analyze their intersections.

1. Define the Sets:
- Let A={1,2,3}
- Let B={2,3,5}
- Let C={3,4}

2. Find AB:
- The intersection AB consists of elements that are in both sets A and B.
- AB={2,3}

3. Find AC:
- The intersection AC consists of elements that are in both sets A and C.
- AC={3}

4. Compare the Intersections:
- Now we need to check if AB=AC.
- We see that AB={2,3} and AC={3}.
- Therefore, ABAC.

5. Adjust Sets to Meet Condition:
- Let's adjust our sets to meet the condition AB=AC.
- Let B={2,3} and C={2,3}.
- Now, AB={2,3} and AC={2,3}.
- Thus, AB=AC.

6. Check if B=C:
- Here, we have B={2,3} and C={3,4}.
- Clearly, BC because B contains 2 which is not in C and C contains 4 which is not in B.

7. Conclusion:
- We have shown that AB=AC does not imply B=C since B and C can still be different sets.
