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Let A and B be square matrices of the same order. Does (A+B)2=A2+2AB+B2 hold? If not, why?

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To determine whether the equation (A+B)2=A2+2AB+B2 holds for square matrices A and B of the same order, we will start by expanding the left-hand side (LHS) and comparing it with the right-hand side (RHS).

Step 1: Expand the Left-Hand Side
We start with the expression (A+B)2:
Using the distributive property (also known as the FOIL method for binomials), we can expand this:
This simplifies to:

Step 2: Compare with the Right-Hand Side
Now, we need to compare this result with the right-hand side (RHS) of the original equation:
The RHS can be rewritten as:

Step 3: Analyze the Terms
From our expansion, we have:
And from the RHS, we have:
For these two expressions to be equal, we need:
This implies:
which means that A and B must commute.

Since we are not given any information about whether A and B commute (i.e., whether AB=BA), we cannot conclude that (A+B)2=A2+2AB+B2 holds in general. Therefore, the equation does not hold for all square matrices A and B.

Final Answer
The equation (A+B)2=A2+2AB+B2 does not hold unless A and B commute (i.e., AB=BA).

