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If n is any odd number greater than 1, then n (n21) is divisible by 24 always (b) divisible by 48 always (c) divisible by 96 always (d) None of these

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To determine if n(n21) is divisible by 24, 48, 96, or none of these for any odd number n greater than 1, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Express n
Since n is an odd number, we can express it in the form:
where m is a non-negative integer (i.e., m0).

Step 2: Calculate n21
Now, we calculate n21:

Step 3: Calculate n(n21)
Now, we can find n(n21):

Step 4: Analyze the factors
We need to analyze the expression 4m(m+1)(2m+1):
- The term 4m contributes a factor of 4.
- The term m(m+1) is the product of two consecutive integers, which means it is always even. Therefore, it contributes at least one additional factor of 2.
- The term (2m+1) is odd.

Step 5: Determine divisibility by 24
Now, we have:
This means we have at least:
- From 4m: 4
- From m(m+1): at least one additional factor of 2 (making it 8)
- Thus, we have at least 4×2=8.

To check for divisibility by 24:
We need to check if m(m+1)(2m+1) has a factor of 3.

Step 6: Check for divisibility by 3
Among any three consecutive integers m,m+1,2m+1, at least one of them must be divisible by 3. Thus, m(m+1)(2m+1) will always have a factor of 3.

Therefore, n(n21) is divisible by:
Thus, the correct answer is that n(n21) is divisible by 24 always.
