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If n is a whole number greater than 1, then n 2 ( n 2 - 1 ) is always divisible by 8 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 16

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To determine if n2(n21) is always divisible by 8, 10, 12, or 16 when n is a whole number greater than 1, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Factor the expression
We start with the expression n2(n21). We can rewrite n21 using the difference of squares:
Thus, we can express the entire expression as:

Step 2: Analyze the factors
The expression n2(n1)(n+1) consists of three factors:
- n2
- n1
- n+1

Step 3: Identify the properties of the factors
1. n2: Since n is a whole number greater than 1, n2 is always even (as the square of any even number is even).
2. n1 and n+1: These two factors are consecutive integers, meaning one of them is always even. Therefore, the product (n1)(n+1) is also even.

Step 4: Determine divisibility by 8
To check if n2(n1)(n+1) is divisible by 8:
- If n is even, n2 contributes at least 4 (since n2 is a multiple of 4) and (n1)(n+1) contributes at least another 2 (as one of them is even). Thus, the product is divisible by 8.
- If n is odd, n2 is odd, but (n1)(n+1) is even and consists of two consecutive even numbers, which means it contributes at least 4. Therefore, the product is still divisible by 8.

Step 5: Check divisibility by 10, 12, and 16
- Divisibility by 10: The product n2(n1)(n+1) is not guaranteed to be divisible by 5 (since n can be any whole number).
- Divisibility by 12: The product is divisible by 4 (from n2 and (n1)(n+1)) and 3 (if n is a multiple of 3). However, it is not guaranteed for all n.
- Divisibility by 16: This requires n2 to be a multiple of 16, which is not guaranteed for all n.

The expression n2(n21) is always divisible by 8 for any whole number n>1.

Thus, the correct answer is:
(a) 8
