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Find the square root of 237. 615 correct to three places of decimal.

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To find the square root of 237.615 correct to three decimal places, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Prepare the number for square root extraction
Since we need to find the square root to three decimal places, we will first calculate it to four decimal places. To do this, we need to consider the decimal places. The number of decimal places in the square root should be double the number of decimal places we want in the answer. Therefore, we need to add five zeros to 237.615 to make it 23761500000.

Step 2: Group the digits
We will group the digits in pairs starting from the decimal point. The grouping will look like this:
- 2 37 | 61 50 | 00 00

Step 3: Start extracting the square root
1. Find the largest square less than or equal to 2: The largest square is 12=1. Write 1 in the quotient.
- Subtract 1 from 2: 21=1.
2. Bring down the next pair (37), making it 137.
3. Double the quotient (1): 2×1=2.
4. Find a digit x such that 2xx137. Trying x=6:
- 266=156 (too high).
- Trying x=5:
- 255=125 (this works).
- Write 5 in the quotient.
- Subtract 125 from 137: 137125=12.
5. Bring down the next pair (61), making it 1261.
6. Double the quotient (15): 2×15=30.
7. Find a digit y such that 30yy1261. Trying y=4:
- 3044=1216 (this works).
- Write 4 in the quotient.
- Subtract 1216 from 1261: 12611216=45.
8. Bring down the next pair (50), making it 4500.
9. Double the quotient (154): 2×154=308.
10. Find a digit z such that 308zz4500. Trying z=1:
- 30811=3081 (this works).
- Write 1 in the quotient.
- Subtract 3081 from 4500: 45003081=1419.
11. Bring down the next pair (00), making it 141900.
12. Double the quotient (1541): 2×1541=3082.
13. Find a digit w such that 3082ww141900. Trying w=4:
- 308244=123296 (this works).
- Write 4 in the quotient.
- Subtract 123296 from 141900: 141900123296=18604.

Step 4: Finalize the square root
After calculating, we find that the square root of 237.615 to four decimal places is approximately 15.4144.

Step 5: Rounding to three decimal places
The fourth decimal place is 4, which is less than 5, so we round down. Thus, the final answer is:
