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Find the number of points of discontinuity for f(x)=[6sinx],0xπ

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To find the number of points of discontinuity for the function f(x)=(6sinx) on the interval (0,π), we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the range of sinx on the interval (0,π)
The sine function sinx varies from 0 to 1 in the interval (0,π). Therefore, we have:

Step 2: Calculate the range of 6sinx
Multiplying the range of sinx by 6, we get:
Thus, the function 6sinx takes values from 0 to 6.

Step 3: Identify the integer values in the range of 6sinx
The greatest integer function (6sinx) will take integer values from 0 to 6. The possible integer values are:

Step 4: Determine where 6sinx is an integer
The points of discontinuity occur when 6sinx is an integer. We need to find the values of x where:
This leads to:

Step 5: Find the corresponding x values for each integer n
We will find x for each n in the interval (0,π):
1. For n=0: sinx=0x=0
2. For n=1: sinx=16x=arcsin(16)
3. For n=2: sinx=26=13x=arcsin(13)
4. For n=3: sinx=36=12x=π6
5. For n=4: sinx=46=23x=arcsin(23)
6. For n=5: sinx=56x=arcsin(56)
7. For n=6: sinx=1x=π2

Step 6: Count the points of discontinuity
Each of these values corresponds to a point of discontinuity. We have:
- 0
- arcsin(16)
- arcsin(13)
- π6
- arcsin(23)
- arcsin(56)
- π2

This gives us a total of 7 points of discontinuity.

Final Answer:
The number of points of discontinuity for f(x)=(6sinx) on the interval (0,π) is 7.

