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Draw a circle and two lines parallel to a given line such that one is a tangent and the other, a secant to the circle.

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To solve the problem of drawing a circle and two lines parallel to a given line such that one is a tangent and the other is a secant to the circle, follow these steps:

1. Draw a Circle:
- Start by drawing a circle on your paper. Label the center of the circle as point O.

2. Draw a Given Line:
- Draw a horizontal line (let's call it line AB) across your paper. This will be the reference line to which the other lines will be parallel.

3. Draw a Tangent Line:
- To create a tangent line, first choose a point on the circumference of the circle. Let's call this point R.
- Now, draw a line (let's call it line PQ) that touches the circle at point R and does not cross into the circle. Ensure that this line is parallel to line AB. This line is the tangent to the circle.

4. Draw a Secant Line:
- Next, to create a secant line, draw another line (let's call it line RS) that intersects the circle at two points.
- Make sure that this line is also parallel to line AB. You can do this by ensuring that the distance between line RS and line AB is consistent, and that line RS crosses the circle at two points.

5. Label the Points of Intersection:
- For the secant line RS, label the points where it intersects the circle as points S and T.

Final Diagram:
- You should now have:
- A circle with center O.
- A tangent line PQ that touches the circle at point R.
- A secant line RS that intersects the circle at points S and T.
- Both lines PQ and RS are parallel to the given line AB.

Updated on:7/8/2024

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