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25914812343 Find Unit digit

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

The correct Answer is:=4

To find the unit digit of the expression 25914812343, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the unit digits of the bases
The unit digit of 259 is 9 and the unit digit of 123 is 3.

Step 2: Determine the unit digit of 259148
We need to find the unit digit of 9148. The unit digits of powers of 9 follow a pattern:
- 91=9 (unit digit is 9)
- 92=81 (unit digit is 1)
- 93=729 (unit digit is 9)
- 94=6561 (unit digit is 1)

The pattern repeats every 2 terms: 9,1.

To find the unit digit of 9148, we can determine 148mod2:
- 148÷2=74 with a remainder of 0.

Since the remainder is 0, the unit digit of 9148 corresponds to 92, which is 1.

Step 3: Determine the unit digit of 12343
Next, we find the unit digit of 343. The unit digits of powers of 3 follow a pattern:
- 31=3 (unit digit is 3)
- 32=9 (unit digit is 9)
- 33=27 (unit digit is 7)
- 34=81 (unit digit is 1)

The pattern repeats every 4 terms: 3,9,7,1.

To find the unit digit of 343, we can determine 43mod4:
- 43÷4=10 with a remainder of 3.

Since the remainder is 3, the unit digit of 343 corresponds to 33, which is 7.

Step 4: Calculate the unit digit of 25914812343
Now we have:
- Unit digit of 259148 is 1.
- Unit digit of 12343 is 7.

We need to calculate the unit digit of 17:
- 17=6.

Since we are looking for the unit digit, we can convert 6 to a positive unit digit by adding 10:
- 6+10=4.

Final Answer
The unit digit of 25914812343 is 4.
