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What are antifriction metals ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Antifriction Metals:
Antifriction metals are materials specifically designed to reduce friction between moving parts. They are used in applications where sliding motion occurs, such as in bearings and other mechanical components.

2. Characteristics of Antifriction Metals:
- Low Coefficient of Friction: Antifriction metals exhibit a low coefficient of friction (µ) under specific conditions, which means they resist sliding motion less than other materials.
- Low Adhesion: These metals have low adhesion properties, which further minimizes the frictional forces when two surfaces slide against each other.

3. Composition:
- Antifriction metals are not single metals; they are often alloys made from a combination of different materials.
- Common components include tin, aluminum, and lead. These materials are chosen for their favorable frictional properties.

4. Applications:
- The primary use of antifriction metals is in the manufacturing of ball bearings, which are essential components in various machinery and engines where smooth motion is required.

5. Conclusion:
- In summary, antifriction metals are specially formulated materials with low friction and adhesion properties, primarily used in applications involving sliding contact, such as ball bearings.
