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Explain why some planets do not have atmosphere.

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Step-by-Step Solution

1. Understanding Atmosphere Formation:
- An atmosphere is a layer of gases surrounding a planet. For a planet to retain an atmosphere, it must have sufficient gravitational pull to hold onto the gas molecules.

2. Thermal Velocity of Gas Molecules:
- Gas molecules possess thermal energy, which gives them a certain velocity known as thermal velocity (Vth). This velocity is influenced by the temperature of the gas; higher temperatures result in higher thermal velocities.

3. Escape Velocity:
- Escape velocity (VE) is the minimum speed an object must reach to break free from a planet's gravitational pull without any further propulsion. Each planet has a specific escape velocity based on its mass and radius.

4. Comparison of Thermal Velocity and Escape Velocity:
- If the thermal velocity of gas molecules (Vth) is greater than the escape velocity (VE) of the planet, the gas molecules can achieve enough speed to escape into space. This results in the planet losing its atmosphere over time.

5. Planets without Atmosphere:
- Some planets, particularly smaller ones or those with lower gravitational pull, have a thermal velocity that exceeds their escape velocity. Consequently, they cannot retain an atmosphere as the gas molecules escape into space.

6. Example of Earth:
- In contrast, Earth has a thermal velocity that is less than its escape velocity. This means that the air molecules do not have enough energy to escape Earth's gravitational pull, allowing the planet to maintain a stable atmosphere.

The primary reason some planets do not have an atmosphere is due to the relationship between thermal velocity and escape velocity. If thermal velocity exceeds escape velocity, the planet loses its atmosphere.

