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Is it possible to separate sugar mixed with wheat flour? If yes, how will you do it?

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Yes, it is possible to separate sugar mixed with wheat flour. Here’s how you can do it step by step:

1. Gather Materials: Collect the mixture of sugar and wheat flour, a sieve (or a fine mesh strainer), and a container to catch the separated components.

2. Set Up the Sieve: Place the sieve over the container. Ensure that the sieve is stable and won’t tip over when you pour the mixture into it.

3. Pour the Mixture: Carefully pour the mixture of sugar and wheat flour into the sieve. Make sure to pour it evenly so that it spreads out in the sieve.

4. Sifting Process: Gently shake or tap the sieve. The fine wheat flour will pass through the holes of the sieve and fall into the container below, while the larger sugar crystals will remain on top of the sieve.

5. Collect the Separated Components: Once you have finished sifting, you will find the sugar left on the sieve and the wheat flour collected in the container below.

6. Final Check: Check both the sieve and the container to ensure that all the components have been separated properly.

Through the sieving process, you can effectively separate sugar from wheat flour, as the sugar is larger in size compared to the fine wheat flour.
