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How would you obtain clear water from a sample of muddy water?

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Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To obtain clear water from a sample of muddy water, you can follow these steps:

1. Gather Materials:
- You will need a sample of muddy water, a filter paper, a funnel, and a container to collect the clear water.

2. Set Up the Filtration Apparatus:
- Place the funnel in the mouth of the container. Ensure that the funnel is stable and will not tip over.

3. Prepare the Filter Paper:
- Take a piece of filter paper and fold it in half, then in half again to form a cone shape. Open it slightly to fit into the funnel.

4. Pour the Muddy Water:
- Slowly pour the muddy water into the funnel lined with the filter paper. Make sure to pour gently to avoid spilling.

5. Observe the Filtration Process:
- As the muddy water passes through the filter paper, the solid particles (mud) will be trapped on the filter paper, while the clear water will pass through and collect in the container below.

6. Collect the Clear Water:
- Once all the muddy water has passed through, you will have clear water collected in the container, while the mud remains on the filter paper.

7. Dispose of the Residue:
- Carefully remove the filter paper with the trapped mud and dispose of it properly.

Final Result:
You will have successfully obtained clear water from the muddy water sample through the process of filtration.

