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Green plants use carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and return oxygen to the atmosphere , even then carbon dioxide is considered to be responsible for green house effect. Explain why ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Photosynthesis: Green plants utilize carbon dioxide (CO2) during the process of photosynthesis to produce glucose and oxygen. This is a crucial process for the survival of plants and contributes to the oxygen content in the atmosphere.

2. Role of Greenhouse Gases: Greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, form a layer in the Earth's atmosphere. This layer is essential for trapping heat from the sun, which helps to maintain the Earth's temperature.

3. Mechanism of the Greenhouse Effect: When sunlight reaches the Earth, some of it is absorbed, and some is reflected back into space. Greenhouse gases, including CO2, trap some of this reflected heat, preventing it from escaping into space. This process keeps the Earth warm enough to sustain life.

4. Impact of Excess CO2: While CO2 is necessary for photosynthesis, an excess of it in the atmosphere leads to an enhanced greenhouse effect. This means that more heat is trapped, leading to an increase in the Earth's average temperature, a phenomenon known as global warming.

5. Conclusion: Therefore, even though plants use CO2 for photosynthesis and release oxygen, the presence of excess CO2 in the atmosphere contributes to the greenhouse effect, making it a significant greenhouse gas responsible for climate change.
