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Alpha decay of .23892U forms .23490Th. What kind of decay from .23490Th produces .23484Ac ?








γ -emission

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The correct Answer is:C

To solve the problem, we need to analyze the decay process of Thorium-234 (Th-234) to determine what type of decay produces Actinium-234 (Ac-234).

1. Identify the Initial and Final Nuclides:
- The initial nuclide is Thorium-234, represented as 23490Th.
- The final nuclide is Actinium-234, represented as 23484Ac.

2. Determine the Change in Atomic Number:
- The atomic number of Thorium (Th) is 90.
- The atomic number of Actinium (Ac) is 89.
- The change in atomic number is 9089=1. This indicates that the atomic number decreases by 1.

3. Determine the Change in Mass Number:
- The mass number of both Thorium-234 and Actinium-234 is 234.
- The change in mass number is 234234=0. This indicates that the mass number remains unchanged.

4. Identify the Type of Decay:
- Since the atomic number decreases by 1 and the mass number remains unchanged, this type of decay corresponds to either positron emission or electron capture.
- In positron emission (beta plus decay), a proton is converted into a neutron, resulting in a decrease in atomic number by 1 while keeping the mass number the same.
- In electron capture, an electron is captured by the nucleus, which also results in a decrease in atomic number by 1 with no change in mass number.

5. Conclusion:
- Both positron emission and electron capture could lead to the formation of Actinium-234 from Thorium-234. However, since the question specifies a type of decay, we can conclude that the decay from Thorium-234 to Actinium-234 is best described as positron emission.

Final Answer:
The type of decay from 23490Th that produces 23484Ac is positron emission.


Updated on:18/9/2024

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