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What is the structural unit of bone?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Question: The question asks for the structural unit of bone. This means we need to identify the basic building block or the fundamental component that makes up bone tissue.

2. Identifying Bone Structure: Bones provide a framework for the body and are made up of different types of tissues. The primary type of bone tissue we will focus on is compact bone.

3. Defining the Structural Unit: The structural unit of compact bone is known as the "osteon." An osteon is the fundamental functional unit of compact bone.

4. Components of an Osteon: Each osteon consists of concentric layers of bone tissue called "lamellae." These lamellae are arranged in a circular pattern around a central canal.

5. Haversian Canal: The central canal within an osteon is known as the "Haversian canal." This canal contains blood vessels and nerves that supply the bone.

6. Conclusion: Therefore, the structural unit of bone is the osteon, which consists of lamellae surrounding a Haversian canal.

Final Answer: The structural unit of bone is the osteon.

