What is the structural unit present in silicates ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Structural Unit:
The structural unit present in silicates is the silicate ion, which is represented as SiO4^4-.

2. Understanding the Composition:
The silicate ion consists of one silicon (Si) atom surrounded by four oxygen (O) atoms. This arrangement forms a tetrahedral shape.

3. Bond Length and Angles:
The bond length between silicon and oxygen in the silicate ion is approximately 162 picometers. The angle between the oxygen atoms (O-Si-O) in the tetrahedral structure is about 109.5 degrees.

4. Hybridization:
The hybridization of the silicon atom in the silicate ion is sp3. This hybridization is responsible for the tetrahedral geometry of the ion.

5. Polymerization:
Silicates can polymerize to form larger structures, such as silicones. This occurs through the formation of Si-O-Si bridge bonds, linking individual silicate units together.

6. Conclusion:
The basic structural unit of silicates is the SiO4^4- ion, which is tetrahedral in shape, sp3 hybridized, and capable of forming larger polymeric structures.

