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What happens to the l band and H zone during contraction? Do the lengths of the thick and thin filaments change ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Muscle Structure:
- In a striated muscle, there are different bands and zones: the A-band (where thick filaments are present), the I-band (where thin filaments are present), and the H-zone (the area in the A-band where there are no thin filaments).

2. Muscle Contraction Mechanism:
- During contraction, the actin filaments (thin filaments) are pulled towards the center of the A-band. This movement is facilitated by the sliding filament theory, where the thin filaments slide past the thick filaments (myosin).

3. Changes in the I-band:
- As the actin filaments are pulled inward, the length of the I-band decreases. This is because the overlapping region of the thick and thin filaments increases, reducing the area of the I-band.

4. Changes in the H-zone:
- The H-zone, which is the region in the A-band that does not have overlapping thin filaments, also narrows during contraction. As the thin filaments slide past the thick filaments, the H-zone diminishes and can even disappear in a fully contracted muscle.

5. Length of Filaments:
- Importantly, the lengths of the thick (myosin) and thin (actin) filaments do not change during contraction. Instead, they slide over each other, maintaining their original lengths while changing their positions.

- During muscle contraction, the I-band shortens, the H-zone narrows, but the lengths of the thick and thin filaments remain unchanged.


Updated on:18/9/2024

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