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Draw a neat labelled diagram to show the metaphase stage of mitosis in an animal cell having four chromosomes.

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Step-by-Step Solution to Draw the Metaphase Stage of Mitosis in an Animal Cell with Four Chromosomes

1. Draw the Animal Cell Outline:
- Start by drawing a circular or oval shape to represent the animal cell. This will be the boundary of the cell.

Hint: Remember that animal cells are generally round or oval in shape.

2. Add the Centrosome:
- Inside the cell, draw a small circle to represent the centrosome.
- Add two perpendicular lines (cross) to indicate the centrioles, which are barrel-shaped structures inside the centrosome.

Hint: The centrioles are typically depicted as two small cylinders positioned at right angles to each other.

3. Draw the Spindle Fibers:
- From the centrosome, draw several lines extending outward to represent the spindle fibers.
- Include both polar microtubules (extending towards the opposite poles of the cell) and astral microtubules (radiating outwards from the centrosome).

Hint: Polar microtubules connect to the chromosomes, while astral microtubules help anchor the spindle apparatus.

4. Illustrate the Chromosomes:
- Draw four X-shaped structures to represent the chromosomes.
- Each X should consist of two sister chromatids joined at a point called the centromere.

Hint: Ensure that the chromosomes are aligned at the center of the cell, known as the metaphase plate.

5. Label the Chromosomes:
- Indicate the centromere on each chromosome as a constricted area where the two sister chromatids are joined.
- Draw a small disk shape at the centromere to represent the kinetochore, which is the attachment point for spindle fibers.

Hint: The kinetochore is crucial for the movement of chromosomes during cell division.

6. Label the Diagram:
- Clearly label all parts of your diagram:
- "Centrosome with Centrioles"
- "Polar Microtubules"
- "Astral Microtubules"
- "Chromosomes"
- "Sister Chromatids"
- "Centromere"
- "Kinetochore"
- "Metaphase Plate"

Hint: Use straight lines to connect labels to the corresponding parts of the diagram for clarity.

Final Diagram
Your final diagram should depict an animal cell in the metaphase stage of mitosis, with four chromosomes aligned at the metaphase plate, and all components clearly labeled.
