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According to de - Vrices what is saltation ?

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1. Introduction to De Vries and Saltation:
- Hugo De Vries was a botanist who introduced the concept of saltation in the context of evolution and genetics.

2. Definition of Saltation:
- According to De Vries, saltation refers to a single-step large mutation. This means that rather than gradual changes over time, saltation involves a significant and sudden change in an organism's genetic material.

3. Understanding Mutation:
- A mutation is defined as a sudden change in the DNA sequence. This can occur due to various factors, including environmental influences or errors during DNA replication.

4. Connection Between Saltation and Speciation:
- De Vries proposed that saltation can lead to speciation, which is the formation of new species. This occurs when a large mutation results in significant changes that differentiate a population enough to be classified as a new species.

5. Mechanism of Saltation:
- When a new generation arises from a parent generation, a large mutation can occur in the DNA of the offspring. If this mutation is substantial enough, it can lead to the emergence of a new species.

6. Conclusion:
- In summary, according to De Vries, saltation is a process characterized by a single-step large mutation that can result in the formation of new species through significant changes in the genetic makeup of organisms.
