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According to Darwin, what is the driving force of evolution?

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understanding Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection: According to Charles Darwin, the driving force of evolution is natural selection. This theory explains how species evolve over time through a process of variation, competition, and selection.

2. Overproduction: One of the key components of Darwin's theory is overproduction. Organisms tend to produce more offspring than can survive due to limited resources. For example, a single cod fish can lay hundreds of eggs, but not all of them will survive to adulthood.

3. Limited Resources: While organisms have the potential to reproduce in large numbers, the resources (like food and space) available in the environment are limited. This creates a situation where not all offspring can survive.

4. Struggle for Existence: Because of limited resources, there is a struggle for existence among individuals. This struggle can occur within the same species (intraspecific competition) or between different species (interspecific competition). Darwin emphasized that interspecific competition is particularly significant in driving evolution.

5. Variations: Within any population, there are variations among individuals. These variations can be beneficial, neutral, or harmful. Those individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce.

6. Natural Selection: The individuals that are better adapted to their environment will have a higher chance of surviving and reproducing. This process is known as natural selection. Over time, these advantageous traits become more common in the population.

7. Inheritance of Variations: The traits that help individuals survive are passed on to their offspring. This inheritance of beneficial variations leads to gradual changes in the species over generations.

8. Formation of New Species: As these changes accumulate, they can lead to the emergence of new species. This process is known as speciation.

9. Conclusion: In summary, according to Darwin, the driving force of evolution is the struggle for existence, particularly through interspecific competition, which leads to natural selection and the inheritance of advantageous variations.

