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The meaning of ‘Resonance’ in English is ‘to sound’, that is to produce sound. To produce sound the body must vibrate with the same wavelength as that of the other. An example of resonance is the simple harmonic motion exhibited by the pendulum.

What is Resonance Physics?

The meaning of Resonance in physics is a phenomenon where an external power or a vibrating framework powers another framework around it to vibrate with a more noteworthy amplitude at a predetermined recurrence of activity. The recurrence at which the subsequent body begins swaying or vibrating at higher amplitude is known as the full recurrence of the body. The best instances of vibration can be seen in different instruments around us.

At whatever point any individual hits, strikes, strums, drums or tweaks any instrument, the instrument is set into swaying or vibration at the regular recurrence of vibration of the instrument. An exceptional standing wave design characterizes every recurrence of vibration as a particular instrument.

These characteristic frequencies of an instrument are referred to broadly as the sounds of the predetermined instrument. If a second interconnected article or instrument vibrates or wavers at that predefined recurrence then the primary item can be compelled to vibrate at a recurrence higher than its common consonant recurrence.

This wonder is known as reverberation, for example, one article vibrating or swaying at the common recurrence of another item powers the other item to vibrate at a recurrence higher than its natural frequency.

Example of Resonance

A classic example of resonance class 12 is the swinging of a person sitting on a swing. A swing is a generally excellent case of an article in swaying movement. At first, the movement is moderate and the swing doesn't stretch out to its most extreme potential. Yet, when the swing arrives at its regular recurrence of swaying, a delicate push to the swing encourages it to keep up that adequacy of swing all through because of reverberation.

In a perfect circumstance, with no grinding by any stretch of the imagination, even that slight push won't be essential once the swing arrives at its normal recurrence for it to continue the greatest adequacy until the end of time.

What is Resonant Frequency?

The resonant frequency is also known as resonance frequency, which is used in the series circuit when the inductive reactance is equal to the capacitive reactance. The resonant frequency is mathematically given as:

f0 =      1     



  • f0 is the resonant frequency
  • L is the inductance
  • C is the capacitance


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