The available space occupied by spheres of equal size in three dimensions in both hcp and ccp arrangement is
The correct Answer is:A
The space occupied in hcp and ccp arrangement is 74%.
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Empty space left in HCP in three dimension is
A0.76B0.74C0.68D0.26In hexagonal close packing of spheres in three-dimensions
Ain one unit cell there are 12 octahedral voids and all are completely inside the unit cellBin one unit cell there are six octahedral voids and all are completely inside the unit cellCin one unit cell there are six octahedral voids out of which three are completely inside the unit cell and other three are from contributions of octahedral voids which are partially inside the unit cellDin one unit cell there are 12 tetrahedral voids, all are completely inside the unit cell.The empty space within hcp arrangment is
In HCP or CCP constituent particles occupy 74% of the available space. The remaining space (26%) in between the spheres remains unoccupied and is called interstitial voids or holes. Considering the close packing arrangement, each sphere in the second layer rests on the hollow space of the first layer, touching each other. The void created is called tetrahedral void. If R is the radius of the spheres in the close packed arrangement then,
R (radius of tetrahedral void) = 0.225 R
In a close packing arrangement, the interstitial void formed by the combination of two triangular voids of the first and second layer is called octahedral coid. Thus, double triangular void is surrounded by six spheres. The centre of these spheres on joining, forms octahedron. If R is the radius of the sphere. in a close packed arrangement then,
R (radius of octahedral void = 0.414 R).
If the anions (A) form hexagonal close packing and cations (C ) occupy only 2/3rd octahedral voids in it, then the general formula of the compound is
View SolutionPacking refers to the arrangement of constituent units in such a way that the forces of attraction among the constituent particles is the maximum and the contituents occupy the maximum available space. In two dimensions, there are hexagonal close packing and cubic close packing. In three dimentions, there are hexagonal, cubic as well as body centred close packings.
The space occupied by spheres in bcc arrangement is:
View SolutionAssertion: Every 4th layer is identical to first layer in ccp pattern of three dimension arrangement
Reason: ABCABC…. Arrangement is present in ccp
View SolutionThe space occupied by b.c.c. arrangement is approximately
View SolutionPacking refers to the arrangement of constituent units in such a way that the forces of attraction among the constituent particles is maximum and the constituents occupy the maximum available space. In two -dimensions ,there are square close packing and hexagonal close packing .In three- dimensions ,however, there are hexagonal close packing, cubic close packing and body-centered cubic packing.
(i) hcp: AB AB AB AB ..... arrangement
coordination no. = 12
% occupied space = 74
(ii) ccp: ABC ABC.... arrangement
coordination no. = 12
% occupied space = 74
bcc: 68% space is occupied
coordination no.= 8
The spaced occupied by spheres in bcc arrangement is:
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