The phrase 'inter alia' meaning 'among other things' is one of the many Latin expression commonly used in English.
Find out what these Latin phrases mean.i. Prima face
ii. ad hoc
iii. in camera
iv. ad infinitum
v. mutatis multanis
vi. tabula rasa
i. prima facie means „at first sight, before closer inspection‟
ii. ad hoc means „for the specific purpose, case, or situation at hand and for no other‟.
iii. in camera means „in secret, in private‟
iv. ad infinitum means „to infinity, having no end‟
v. mutatis mutandis means „changing [only] those things which needs to be changed‟, [only] the necessary changes having been made Caveat means „a warning or caution‟
vi. tabula rasa means, chance to start afresh, „without any prior experience or knowledge‟.
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View SolutionA sadist is a person who gets pleasure out of giving pain to others. Given below are some dictionary definitions of certain kinds of persons.
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Knowledge Check
Read the passage carefully and select the best answer to question out of the given four alternatives.
Transactional Analysis has the triangle of PAC. P means parent, A means adult, C means child. These are your three layers, as if you are a three-storeyed building. The first floor is that of the child, the second floor is that of the parent, the third floor is that of the adult. All three exist together. This is your inner triangle and conflict. Your child says one thing, your parent says something else, and your adult, rational mind says something else. The child says .enjoy.. For the child, this moment is the only moment, he has no other considerations. The child is spontaneous, but unaware of the consequences - unaware of past, unaware of future. He lives in the moment. He enjoys - but his enjoyment is not creative, cannot be creative. He delights - but life cannot be lived only through delight. You cannot remain a child forever. You will have to learn many things because you are not alone here.... The child has to be disciplined - and that.s where the parent comes in. The parental voice in you is the voice of the society, culture, civilization, the voice that makes you capable of living in a world where you are not alone - where there are many individuals with conflicting ambitions, where there is much struggle for survival, where there is much conflict. The parental voice is that of caution. It makes you civilized. The word .civil. is good: It means one who has become capable of living in a city, who has become capable of being a member of a group, of a society. It is needed. And then there is the third voice within you, the third layer, when you have become adult and you are no longer controlled by your parents, your own reason has come of age, you can think on your own. And these three layers are continuously fighting. The child says one thing, the parent says just the opposite, and the reason may say something totally different. There is no necessity that your adult mind agrees with your parents. Many times you find them very dogmatic, superstitious, believing in foolish things, irrational ideologies. Your parent says do it, your adult says it is not worth doing, and your child goes on pulling you somewhere else. This is the triangle within you.
What is the triangle within us?AWe are like a three storeyed building where in the first floor is of the child, the second floor is that of the parent and the third floor is that of the adult.BThe child is spontaneous, the parental voice is that of a caution and the adult has himself come of an age.CWhenever you want to do something - your parent says do it your adult says it is not worth doing and your child goes on pulling somewhere else.DOur parent make us sensible, our adult makes as rational and disciplined and one child makes us carefree.Passage I : Despite the economic crunch worldwide that saw pulverization of some of the largest banking and finance giants, Indian banking houses have managed to show positive growth this quarter. Some oflndia 's leading national banks have posted a net profit rise of more than 40% over the last quarter amid global turmoil. This would come as a big shot in the arm for the investors and consumers of these banks even though apperhension is mounting on other banking and broking firms worldwide. One of the main reasons behind by the Government India. People take solace in their investments in public sector watching the bailout packages being cashed out by governments all over the world to save big business houses.
Passage II : Other private banks in India have also reported a substantial net profit over the last quarter. Given the international and domestic scenario, one cannot put this down as a mundane achievement. While others are·on a cost cutting spree and firing employees, Indian Companies are actually working on boosting staffing in banking and broking sectors. This can be seen as a big boon in the days to come when the current recession eases and the economy gradually comes back on to the fast track. The finance minister has assured Indian public about the sound health of all Indian banks. This could also be evident from the fact that · there have been no mergers and takeovers in Indian Banking sector in a contrast to world scenario where finance houses are looking for mergers to cut costs on operations. We definitely are not looking to thrive, rather we are looking for growth, It is just that the pace of growth is a little slow now as compared to a year or two before. These are hard times oftest the hard. The weak in business and career will be weeded out and it is sometimes very beneficial for business on the long run.
What does the phrase ' shot in the arm' as used in the passage mean?AShockBFearCEncouragementDAnxiety
A', 'B', 'C', 'D' and 'E' are partners in partnership firm. The firm has different types of partners. Mr. A has contributed capital and participates in the management of firm. He shares profits and losses and is liable to an unlimited extent to the creditors of the firm. Mr. B has contributed capital and shares its profits and losses. He also has unlimited liability but he does not take part in day to day activities of business.
Association of Mr. C is not known to the gereral public but in all other respects he is like an active partner.
Mr. D has allowed the firm to use his name as he enjoys good reputation among clients but he does not either contribute capital or take part in the management.
Master 'E', 15 years of age is entitled to the benefits of partnership with mutual consent of all their members. He is not eligible to take part in management of firm and shares only profits and not losses of the firm.
(i) How many partners do the firm has?
(ii) Who is the active partner and what is the nature of his liability in the firm?
(iii) Who is the sleeping partner in the firm and what is the nature of his liability?
(iv) What kind of partner is Mr.C and what kind of liability does he have in the firm?
(v) How does the partnership relationship of Mr. C differs from Mr. D? How do they differ in their liability?
(vi) Is Mast. E a legal partner? Can be held liable for the liability of the firm?
View SolutionRead the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
“I agreed that it was pretty disrespectful treatment. We did, however, search the house. Since it was only one storey high, Bill went round it, peering in at all the windows. We examined the barn and stable.”
a. Who does ‘I’ refer to-
(i) Sinclair Lewis (ii) Carol Lewis (iii) Oliver Lutkins(iv) Leslie Norris
b. What was Bill’s profession? (i) Lawyer (ii) hack driver (iii) guide (iv) drama artist
c. The disrespectful treatment faced by the speaker was ________
d. The phrase ‘peering in at all windows’ here means _____________
View SolutionThe following common words are used in more than one sense.
panel, studio, brush, essence, material Examine the following sets of sentences to find out what the words, ‘panel’ and ‘essence’ mean in different contexts.
(i) The masks from Bawa village in Mali look like long panels of decorated wood.
(ii) Judge H. Hobart Grooms told the jury panel he had heard the reports.
(iii) The panel is laying the groundwork for an international treaty
(iv) The glass panels of the window were broken.
(v) Through the many round tables, workshops and panel discussions, a consensus was reached.
(vi) The sink in the hinged panel above the bunk drains into the head.
View SolutionSelect the phrase/connector from the given three options which can be used to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences. Pick out the option which when used to start a sentence combines both the above sentences in one.
A. Japan was dependent on occupied Manchuria and colonized Korea for its soybean supply.
B. After the war, the U.S. required that Japan reconfigure its trade ties towards itself and its bloc, away from China and Korea as the Cold War progressed.
I. Before the end of the war
II. On the eve of war
III. The annexation of
View SolutionWhile preparing the accounts of company, following issues are faced:
(i) Production Manager is interested in rccording good industrial relations in the accounts.
(ii) Long - term succes of the company is doubtful due to market competition.
(iii) Although sales have not yet taken place , few reliable customers of the company have placed large orders from which huge profit is expected.
(iv) One of the shareholders of the company has invested his savings in shares of another company.
(v) At the end of the accounting period , factory of the company is outstanding for Rs.10 ,000.
(vi) At present , market price of the fixed assets of the company is very high as compared to the book value and directors are intersted to show the fixed assets in accounts at their currennt market price.
(vii) During the year , the company purchased pencils of Rs.50 . These had all been issued from stock and were srill in use at the end of the year.
(viii) Directors are interested to adopt Written Down Value (WDV) Method of charging depreciation in place of Straight Line Method (SLM) in the current accounting period to show higher profit.
(ix) A debtor who owes an amount to the company is likely to be declared insolvent. You are required to (a) state which accounting concept you would following in dealing with each of the above problems and (b) Explain briefly what each concept means.
View SolutionIn more recent times Gandhiji, perhaps, is one who assiduously brushed aside adulation to remain a free 'nobody' . At the Congress session when he , the star of the session, stunned everybody by cleaning up the latrines, his act was calculated to purge Congress workers of their false sense of status, and so to return the movement to its downto-earth roots. The point of guarding against becoming a self-defeating somebody applies to the upbringing of children as well . Doting parents often stunt the natural growth of their children through excessive adulation. Common place acts and utterances of the child are praised and quoted beyond reason. Talent that otherwise might have flowered under proper training, is lauded to the extent of killing it.
John Stuart Mill 's education and training began very early. At an age when many kids can barely lisp a few words, he had learnt enough Greek and Latin to read the classics in the original. Before he was five he had read more than what many scholars normally read in their career. Did this make the child John feel heady ? No! Because, he tells us, his father (who was also his tutor) always made him believe that there was nothing extraordinary about his achievement : that he was doing only what anybody is capable of doing. Mill was made to believe that other boys of his age had, in fact, grossly underestimated their capabilities and were wasting their early years striving for too little.
The sequence of somebody-nobody holds true, in a way , in respect of institutions and nations as well. C Northcote Parkinson, enunciating one of his famous laws, has tried to read this pattern in the case of great empires worldwide. He connects the raising of imposing palaces to the beginning of the empire's decline.
Find out four similar meaning 'admiration ' from the extract.
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