In a semiconductor the concentrations of electrons and holes are 8×1018/m3 and 5×1018/m3 respectively. If the mobilities of electrons and hole are 2.3m2volt-sec and 0.01m2/volt-sec respectively, then semiconductor is-
N- type and its resistivity is 0.34 ohm-metre
P-type and its resistivity is 0.034 ohm-metre
N-type and its resistivity is 0.034 ohm-metre
P-type and its resistivity is 3.40 ohm-metre
The correct Answer is:A
as ne>nh, N-type
Conductivity (σ)=e(μene+nhμh)
= 1.6×10−19[8×1018×2.3+5×1018×0.01]
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