An equilateral triangle ABC formed from a uniform wire has two small identical beads initially located at A. The triangle is set rotating about the vertical axis AO. Then the beads are released from rest simultaneously and allowed to slide down, one along AB and the other along AC as shown. Neglecting frictional effects, the quantities that are conserved as the beads slides down, are
Angular velocity and total energy (kinetic and potential )
Total angular momentum and total energy
Angular velocity and moment of inertia about the axis of rotation
Total angular momentum and momnebt of inertia about the axis of rotation
The correct Answer is:B
As beads slides down I↑ω↓, but there is no external torque L = constant and energy is conserved because of no friction .
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View Solutionसमान तारों से निर्मित एक समबाहु त्रिभुज पर दो सूक्ष्म मोती प्रारंभ में A पर स्थित हैं। त्रिभुज को उधिर अक्ष A0 के परितः घूर्णन कराने पर मोती एक साथ स्थिर अवस्था से छोड़े जाते हैं एवं एक मोती AB के अनुदिश तथा दूसरा AC के अनुदिश खिसकता (चित्रानुसार) है। मोती के " - नीचे की ओर खिसकने पर संरक्षित राशियाँ हैं। (घर्षण नगण्य है)
View SolutionAn equilateral triangle ABCformed from a uniform wire has two small identical beads initially located at A. The triangle is set rotating about the vertical axis AO. Then the beads are released from rest simultaneously and allowed to slide down, one along AB and other along AC as shown. Neglecting frictional effects, the quantities that are conserved as the beads slide down, are:
View SolutionAn equilateral triangle ABC formed a uniform wire two small identical beads initially located at A. The triangle is set rotating abut the vertical axis AO. Then the beads are released from rest simultaneously and allowed to slideshown, one along AB and the other along AC as shown. Neglecting frictional effects, the quantities that are not conserved as the beads slide down, are
View Solutionएक तार जो एक छोटे मोती के मध्य में स्थित छिद्र से गुजरता है, को एक चतुर्थाशा वृत्त के अनुरूप मोड़ा गया है। तार को भूमि पर उर्ध्व तल में स्थित किया गया है, जैसा चित्र में दर्शाया गया है । मोती को तार के ऊपरी सिरे से छोड़ा जाता है, जिससे यह तार के अनुदिश, बिना किसी घर्षण के सरकता है। जब मोती A से B तक सरकता है। तब इसके द्वारा तार पर लगने वाला बल है:
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