Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below
Eight people — A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H — live on eight different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. The lower most floor of the building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two and so on till the topmost floor is numbered eight. Each one of them ran for a different distance in a maraflion—2300 metres, 3800 metre, .5000 metres, 6400 metres, 7200 metres, 6300 metres, 9100 metres and. 10000 metres but not necessarily in the same order
The one who ran for 5000 metres lives on. an even numbered floor above, floor number 5. Only three people live between the one who ran for 5000 metres and G The one who ran for 9100 metres lives immediately above E. Only two people live between, the one who ran for 9100 metres and A. A does not live on the topmost floor. The total distance run by people living on floor number 3' and floor number 6 is 11400 metres. The one who ran for 6300 metres, lives immediately above the one who tan for 3800,metre. Neither E nor A ran for 6300 metres, Only two people live between B and the one who ran for 6300 metres. The one who lives immediately below D ran for a distance more than that of B, but not the most. No one lives between H and the one who ran for 7200 metres. E did not ran for 7200 metres. The one who ran for 10000metres lives immediately above D. C and G together an for 16,300,metres, C ran more than G
Which of the following statetments is true with respect to the given arrangement?
D lives on the topmost floor
Only two people live between G and F
None of the given' options is true
The one who ran for 2300 metres lives immediately above F
The correct Answer is:D
Step by step video & text solution for Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below Eight people — A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H — live on eight different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. The lower most floor of the building is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two and so on till the topmost floor is numbered eight. Each one of them ran for a different distance in a maraflion—2300 metres, 3800 metre, .5000 metres, 6400 metres, 7200 metres, 6300 metres, 9100 metres and. 10000 metres but not necessarily in the same order The one who ran for 5000 metres lives on. an even numbered floor above, floor number 5. Only three people live between the one who ran for 5000 metres and G The one who ran for 9100 metres lives immediately above E. Only two people live between, the one who ran for 9100 metres and A. A does not live on the topmost floor. The total distance run by people living on floor number 3' and floor number 6 is 11400 metres. The one who ran for 6300 metres, lives immediately above the one who tan for 3800,metre. Neither E nor A ran for 6300 metres, Only two people live between B and the one who ran for 6300 metres. The one who lives immediately below D ran for a distance more than that of B, but not the most. No one lives between H and the one who ran for 7200 metres. E did not ran for 7200 metres. The one who ran for 10000metres lives immediately above D. C and G together an for 16,300,metres, C ran more than G Which of the following statetments is true with respect to the given arrangement? by Reasoning experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 14 exams.
Updated on:21/07/2023Similar Questions
एक DetlaABC में ∠C=3∠B=2(∠A+∠B) है । त्रिभुज के तीनो कोण ज्ञात कीजिए।
View Solutionताशों की गड्डी फेंटते समय तीन ताश गिर पड़ते हैं। इसकी क्या प्रायिकता है कि ये तीन ताश भिन्न-भिन्न सूटों (suits) से हों (अर्थात् यदि एक पान का है तो दूसरा हुकुम का, तीसरा चिड़ी का, ये ऐसे ही कोई और संचय)।
View Solutionयदि 10 टिकटों पर 1 से 10 तक की (प्रत्येक पर एक) संख्यायें लिखी हुई हैं। कोई संख्या दोहराई नहीं गई है। यदि A एक ऐसी घटना है, जिसमें विषम संख्यायें हों और B एक ऐसी घटना हो, जिसमें 3 से विभाज्य संख्या हों, तो दिखाओ कि P(A∪B)=P(A)+P(B)−P(A∪B)
View Solution30 टिकटों की लाटरी से, जिन पर 1, 2, 3,...., 30 अंकित हैं, चार टिकटें खींची जाती हैं। यदि खींची हुई टिकटों में 1 और 2 से अंकित टिकटें हों, तो प्रायिकता ज्ञात करो।
View Solutionएक पासा फेंका जाता है। मान लीजिए घटना E ‘पासे पर संख्या 4 दर्शाता है और घटना F 'पासे पर सम संख्या दर्शाता है। क्या E और F परस्पर अपवर्जी हैं ?
View Solutionएक फलक केंद्रित घनीय क्रिस्टल में A व B परमाणु उपस्थित है । परमाणु A घनीय एकक कोष्ठिका के कोनो पर है जबकि परमाणु B फलको के केंद्र पर स्थित है । प्रत्येक एकक कोष्ठिका के एक कोने पर परमाणु A उपस्थित नहीं है । यौगिक का सरलतम सूत्र है :
View Solutionपांच तत्व A, B, C, D व E के E∘ क्रमशः −1.36,+0.32,+1.36,−0.42 तथा −2.2.6 है उनको बढ़ती सक्रियता के क्रम में लिखो ।
View Solutionसमान चालकता सेल में लिए गए दो विलयनों A तथा B के प्रतिरोध क्रमशः 50 ओम तथा 100 ओम है । यदि A व B के सामान आयतन मिला दिए जाये तो सामान चालकता सेल में मिश्रण का प्रतिरोध क्या होगा ?
(मोल A व B को मिलाने पर वियोजन की मात्रा में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता है)
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