What type of ecological pyramid would be obtained with the following data ?
Secondary consumer : 120 g
Primary consumer : 60 g
Primary producer : 10 g
Upright pyramid of biomass
Upright pyramid of numbers
Pyramid of energy
Inverted pyramid of biomass
The correct Answer is:D
The pyramid of biomass has a small base, with the consumer biomass at any instant actually exceeding the producer biomass and the pyramid assumes inverted shape.
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What type of ecological pyramid would obtained with the following data?
Secondary consumer : 120 g
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Secondary consumer : 60g
Primary consumer: 60g
Primary producer:10gAInverted pyramid of biomassBPyramid of energyCUpright pyramid of numberDUpright pyramid of biomassWhat type of ecological pyramid would obtained with the following data?
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Primary consumer : 60 g
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