Which of the following statements is/are true
(A) It the stem is jointed with solid nodes and hollow internodes, it is called caudex
(B) In Tridax the stem is decumbent
(C) Corn is a condensed form of rhizome growing more or less in vertical direction
(D) Sucker is an underground modification of stem
(E) Biparous type of cymose branching is seem in Saraca.
(A), (D) and (E) only
(B) and (C) only
(B), (C) and (E) only
(C) and (D) only
The correct Answer is:B
Branches after growing horizontally for some length, grow vertically upwards e.g. Portulaca, Tridax, Lindenbergia, etc. Corm is very much condensed fleshy solid and vertically growing root stock with a large apical bud.
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(b) If the inference is probably true.
(c] IF the data provided is inadequate .
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The world health organization has called for an improved surveillance to combat dengue and says the outbreak can be controlled in two weeks if all necessary steps are taken to stop the mosquitoes from breeding and break the transmission cycle.Dengue is already the most widespread mosquito -borne disease among humans. In the past 15 years , outbreaks in south and southeast asia have been rapidly rising mostly due to falling environmental and public health standrad during unbarization .WHO reports that severe form of the disease such as haemorrhagic fever (DHF) and shock syndrome (DSS) are putting more than 2.5 million people at risk worldwide rach year.Importantly 95% of the DHF cases are among children less than 15 years . Therefore the disease has major impacts on public health and future generation.
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Knowledge Check
Read the statement given below
I excurrent is stem showing jointed appearance
II sucker is an underground modification of stem
III corm is a condensed form of rhizome growing more or less in vertical direction
IV ipomoea is a modified stem performing food storage.
Segregate these statement as true T or false F by choosing the correct alternativeAF F T FBT F T TCF F F FDT F T FWhich of the following statements is /are true
(A) Uneven thickening of cell wall is characteristic of sclerenchyma
(B) Periblem forms the cortex of the stem and the root
(C) Tracheids are the chief water transporting elements in gymnosperms
(D)Companion cell is devoid of nucleous at maturity
(E) The Commercial cork is obtained from Quercus suberAA and D onlyBB and E onlyCC and D onlyDB, C and E onlyRead the following five statement (A to E) and select the option with all correct statements:
(A) Analogy indicates common ancestry.
(B) All the existing life forms share similarities and share common ancestors.
(C ) Conventional religious literature supports the theory of special creation.
(D) Sweet potato (root modification) and potato (stem modification) is na example for homology.
(E) Fossils are remains of hard parts of life-forms found in rocks.A(A), (D) and (E)B(B), (C ) and (E)C(A), (C ) and (D)D(A), (B) and (D)
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View SolutionRead the following statements and find out the incorrect statements.
a. The ventral portion of the midbrain consists mainly of four round swellings (lobes) called corpora quadrigemmina.
b. Midbrain and hindbrain form the brain stem.
c. Cerebellum consists of fibre tracts that interconnect different regions of brain.
d. The midbrain receives and integrates visual, lactile and auditory inputs.
e. Limbic system is concerned with olfaction and autonomic responses.
View SolutionStudy the following lists
A) Apices of underground branches
B) Underground branches grow
C)Aerial branches grow obliquely
D) Weak stemmed plants have a cluster
I) Banana store food material
II) Grasses obliquely upward from the axillary buds of nodes of the stem below the soil
III) Agave downwards and produce adventitious
IV) Potato roots after touching the soil
V) Jasmine of leaves and roots at every node
The correct match is
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